Here are some common scenarios that might have occurred if you were charged after canceling your Viki Pass subscription:
Subscription Renewal Timeline
Your subscription will automatically start to renew within 24 - 48 hours before the end of the current subscription period.
If you canceled your subscription but have not received any email confirming your cancelation, it's likely that the cancelation was unsuccessful. Refer to this article for the steps to cancel your subscription again.
You can also check for the cancelation status on your Account Settings page:
If you have received an email confirming the cancelation of your account, but are still seeing charges on your bank statement, you may have another active Viki Pass subscription. Do refer to this article for more information.
Each subscription method is only entitled to one trial subscription.
If you have previously used a subscription method to sign up for a trial, any new Viki Pass subscription purchased using the same method will be charged immediately upon confirmation of purchase. Any cancelations made after confirmation will not take effect. More details about charges during the free trial can be found here.
If you've recently signed up for a free Viki Pass trial or updated your billing/credit card information, you may temporarily see a USD 1.00 charge on your statement.
This is an authorization hold to confirm the billing information that's been submitted for your Viki Pass subscription. This hold is instantly reversed and never collected by Viki. Some banks take a little longer than others to fully reverse this so it may remain as a pending transaction for up to 5 days before being removed from your account. Do contact your bank if you do not see the credit back in a few days.