How do I update a Collection? Android iOS
Add a new show to your collection

From show page:
1. At the show page of the show you’d like to add to your collection, click on the dropdown button next to “+Watchlist”

2. Select amongst your collection(s) that you’d like to add the show to

From collection:
1. At your collection, click “+ ADD SHOW”

2. Enter the show name to start searching

3. Click the collection_follow__1_.png icon to add the show to your collection

From another collection:
1. On the top right of the show listing in the collection, click the collection_addweb__1_.png icon

2. At the dropdown, select a collection you’d like to add the show to

Add or update a cover page to your collection
1. At your collection, click “UPLOAD COVER”
2. Follow the on-screen prompts to choose an image
3. Once you are done adjusting the position of your cover image, click “DONE”
Add or update your collection description
1. At your collection, click the collections_moreadd.png icon > select “Edit Collection”
2. Add or update your collection description
3. Click “SUBMIT”
Add or update your collection notes
Let other fans know why you think a show belongs in your collection and why they should watch it by writing descriptions and notes for each of your selection.

1. In your collection, at the show which you want to add notes for, click the kisspng-computer-icons-pencil-icon-design-material-design-5b09679fe42b46.8810328815273430079346.png icon
2. Add or update your notes
3. Click "SAVE"