Latest activity by deadlast1962_705-
deadlast1962_705 已建立貼文, 已回覆[Closed] Why has the continue watching list disappeared again...
Have seen posts like this from earlier years, but the list has disappeared again. Just why has the list been taken off? Are you working to put it back on? Please let me know, its frustrating if yo...
deadlast1962_705 已評論, yep been this way for me yesterday and today, does anyone check these damn messages?
deadlast1962_705 已評論, Still having trouble with the same issue, does anyone check these questions?
deadlast1962_705 已建立貼文, 已回覆[Closed] Can't get Viki to load on Roku or my PC
On Roku it will only load to 13% and then you get an error message Video Playback error -2 The connection timed out. On my PC I cant get on the site at all. PLEASE HELP
deadlast1962_705 已評論, Cant watch it on Roku, and when you try to watch it on line everything keeps buffering and jerking...Wish someone did monitor these posts...