[Closed] collections, watch list--can't find anything other than "continue watching"
Where is access to my collections? and to the watch list, which enables viewers to collect shows they want to watch--not shows they are already watching? I have a ton of shows that I would watch if...
[Solved] my subtitles have disappeared--on everything!
My subtitles disappeared on every show. I was watching earlier today with no problem; then at about 6 p.m ET (May 4), nothing I brought up showed subtitles. And they were all early episodes of curr...
Allow us to rate dramas without leaving a comment
Please include a way to rate dramas without leaving a comment. I watch a lot of dramas and very much want to rate them (other than via the stars that show up midway through the drama between episod...
[Solved] Rating dramas. How do I do this?
How do I rate dramas without leaving a comment? Is there a way to do this? If not, I'd like that feature to be added, and I'll make a request for it after getting your feedback on this. Thank you!
[Closed] Collections. How do I title them after I've created them?
I have two collections that I could not title when I created them. I was able to title the third & want to title the other two. How can I do this? These are private collections & I use them pretty ...
[Closed] Watchlist--Where is it for Microsoft Pro users?
I've been using my private collections as watchlists. Recently I saw there's a watchlist feature for IO; am I just missing the one for MS?