
[Solved] Viki not working on TV with Roku device

All other streaming channels are working on Roku/TV, except for Viki.  I am experiencing the following issue:  all of a sudden today Viki stopped working.  The circle spins and takes me back to the Roku Home Screen.  I am paid up on my subscription.  I have performed all the troubleshooting recommended by Roku and Viki.  At one point I got a screen asking me to sign in to my Viki  account and link to Roku which I did, but this did not solve the issue.

Please resolve.  Thank you.




  • ce_ward_376 My workaround:  When the menu becomes visible while Viki is loading I select the left direction arrow on my Roku remote.  This takes me to the menu where I can select mylist and the program and episode i want to watch. Hope this helps.

    THIS WORKS!! Thank you so much!! It's the left arrow on the top button that says "ok" not the left/back arrow by the play button. I've been able to watch shows this way. 


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  • This method worked for me too. Thank you!

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  • Same issue for me also for almost two days now!  Ugh!  

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Not working on Roku for me also.


    評論操作 永久連結
  • Viki on Roku still on the blink, I see. Most annoying. The left arrow/menu hack isn't working for me, unfortunately.

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  • Any feedback from
    Viki? I am still having the same issue.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • The issue started yesterday for me, Right after my Roku ultra spontaneously rebooted after upgrading to OS 11.

    Now Viki has to play ping pong with Roku to fix whatever got broken...

    I too am a paid subscriber. Not fun.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Why am I paying subscription fees if you can't get the channel working on Roku? I don't have anything other devices except Roku so your response of use other means to watch doesn't work, You should refund your customers their subscription fee since you haven't been able to fix the problem. This is not the first time your service has issues. I constantly get the ;Content is not available in your region' message even though I had been watching the show for several weeks. Then it will work after a few days. How does this even make sense? Get your act together people and regression test after you roll out an update.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Same issue for me, circle going round and round and back to homepage. Bought my Roku exclusively for Viki, so very disappointed right now and do wish there was some sort of further feedback. I'm a paid subscriber as well.

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  • I tried the left button and it did not work for me so I tried the right arrow by the "Ok" button and it worked

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  • Can we get an update on this issue? I understand that you wre saying Viki does not have a timeline but that is not a customer-oriented approach. It is important to be transparent. People are spending hard earned money on this app with the expectation that is will work accurately across all platfroms and not jus viki.com. Generally, large companies are fixing these problems within 24-72 hours and letting the customer know their progress. I have been a member for years and am considering cancellation of an app that I truly enjoy when it is working.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • I tried the hack and it didn’t work for me. This is beyond ridiculous now. We are all paid subscribers. I feel like you’re about to lose so much money because you can’t seem to get it together.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • It's been 3 days without viki on roku. The work around worked yesterday but didn't work this morning. Viki needs to fix or start thinking of crediting back the number days that viki has been unavailable on roku.

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  • I managed to get in... left arrow alone wasn't working for me, I hit the down arrow as it was loading and once it tried to load the menu that plus a couple lefts seemed to interrupt the load failure and get me in. Just don't go 'Home' once you're in or it'll crash again. Obviously the problem is on the home menu screen option... I wonder why it's taking them so long to fix.

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  • Viki app still not working - the press the left arrow to get to my list work around fails for us. Can not watch anything on Viki.

    Kocowa has it's own app which is working fine for us on Roku (does require subscription which we now have). It has fewer shows than viki but right now viki is totally off for us because of the app crashing.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Today is Friday, Apr. 22. Viki has not worked for two days. Just as everyone here has already mentioned, it just keeps going back to the home screen after several choppy spins of the loading icon. Did everything that was recommended, still no VIKI. Fix this soon please!

    評論操作 永久連結
  • I’m going on day 5 of no Viki? Will I be compensated for this? I watched on my iPhone last night but with all the comments I missed so much of the program. Not happy at all and am looking into other services that I can watch Asian shows on!

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  • When are you going to fix 

    評論操作 永久連結
  • I managed to get in by using a method similar to others. As soon as the "spinner" stopped and the icons on the left side of the screen appeared I tried using the left arrow (next to "ok") but was unsuccessful. However, using the same method but pressing the down arrow (just below "ok") did work. Missed two days and evenings with this shenanigans and it's getting old now. Pretty annoying.

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  • Thank you. It just worked for me. Appreciated ♥️

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  • Viki how do you like my money you frauds 5 days to fix and counting every app on Roku works 573 apps on y device and 572 apps work and i have six paid for apps that cause no trouble and i get my monies worth.

    what kind of morons do you employ Viki should be removed from roku because of the lack of customer care.wakey wakey people Viki is robbing you blind


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  • Is there any update on the situation or any estimate on when it will be fixed?

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Please provide an update on when you plan to fix the Viki Roku app. So sad that this cannot be resolved in a timely manner. 

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  • Thanks so much 4 tips but they really need fix it we are paying for it😠

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Seriously!?!

    A basic principle of software development/maintenance is to keep the last working version available until you are SURE the new version has no fatal bugs. EVERY entry level software developer learns this before working on any software that has ACTUAL USERS (you know, the subscribers who PAY YOU for your service). One would think that your "team" would have learned a lesson after the previous debacle that left us without basic NEEDED features that worked fine in the "old" app that you could not restore.

    Now we are stuck with NO ROKU SERVICE at all!

    Regardless of all your talk about "volunteers", you are a FOR PROFIT company that accepts money from subscribers in return for an offered service (which you are currently NOT providing}.

    Kindly have the decency to properly apologize for this unacceptable failure and tell us how you intend to compensate subscribers who are getting NOTHING for our money.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • Can we please have an update including technical explanations of what the problem is, how you are fixing it and an estimate of when it will be completed? 

    We get nice statements at the beginning, and then are abandoned. I don't even see the banner at the top anymore stating you know about this issue and are working on it. 

    Is this happening worldwide or just in the US? I have Roku, is it also on other devices like Apple TV? Why is the "home" section crashing when the other sections, if you can get to them, are not? Wouldn't it make more sense, as many have said, to revert to the previous version until you figure out what is wrong? 

    Also, the rewind and forwarding functions have become clunky and weird, at least for me. It shows the beginning frames when I am halfway through already, so it makes it confusing.

    評論操作 永久連結
  • I've had this problem for 2 days and haven't been able to load movies on Viki for around month. This should totally be fixed by now.  I mean, this is obviously a coding issue.  Viki should have someone with training to fix something like a coding issue!  If this continues for much longer, I think we should be refunded.  I don't know about everyone else, but I don't pay to watch my favorite shows on a tiny computer screen.  Roku streaming is included as part of our subscription.  Hopefully this is fixed before my favorite shows come out this weekend!

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  • I bought Roku to just watch Viki recently because Airplay stopped working. A workaround mentioned didn't work for me. If Viki wouldn't support Roku anymore I would have wasted money on Roku because I don't need it otherwise. Please fix it ASAP.

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  • Left arrow button does not work for me, but the down arrow button does! While it's loading and the menu on left is visible, press the down arrow butten and it will give you access. Thank goodness I can now watch the shows!

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  • Unfortunately none of the tips are working with me therefore I am stuck without Viki on Roku :( It has been days since the problem started, i hope they will fix it soon...

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