
Download videos for offline watching

It would be great if you were able to download videos with a specific subtitle on the mobile app. The video download could have an expiration date where you could only have it download for a specific number of days. Say, 30 days.
You would be able to watch the video whenever you wanted when you don’t have internet. So you’re never without your drama fix. And you could watch it when you have free time on the train or on the bus or anywhere.
It could be on the “Me” tab on the mobile app. Or it could be a separate section on the home page. Titled downloads.



  • My subscription will expire in Nov.  But it is now impossible to download the video in high quality if we pay for the subscription after the security feature is implemented. 

    If you want to secure your download, you should provide offline viewing like all other paid subscription.  The content is great, but it is impossible to complete a series online.  In most occasions, I complete it on a plane.

    I have to find alternate sources to view my chinese drama.  It is sad that I am unable to renew my subscription.

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  • I completely feel the same way with jimmykhng above. Not being able to watch my favorite Chinese and Korean movies offline is seriously giving me second thought should I subscribe? 


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  • Make this available, BUT put on some kind of restriction to share or transfer the movies, after all, you guys are THE VIKI TECH TEAM!

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  • Going on a long haul flight, why isn't this available? Why is there no reply from Viki? Don't they read this?

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  • I have been following this post for 2years and Viki has yet to follow up or respond . Do they even read this?!
    I've been paying for membership for over 4 years now. I'm seriously considering stopping. I can never watch on the go. Only at home. What is the point of having an app on my phone then?!

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  • They just doesn't care about their customer

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  • This would be my #1 new feature to have. Like others said, this is nothing new. Other major streaming apps have implemented it ages ago. The whole point of having a phone app is portability and being able to use Viki on the go. The lack of this feature severely reduces the target audience because of the absence or unreliability of internet connection while travelling. Hopefully Viki could implement this in the near future.

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  • How can I download the series from the Viki rakuten app so that I can watch it offline

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  • How can any Tech experts prevent piracy of Viki licensed shows if downloading is made available? If they allow you to download, there is no stopping anyone from downloading. You may not be a thief, but several among the millions of viewers may be. When traveling, I went for the scenery, new places, new experiences and meeting new people.

    If there is internet, you can view Viki. Your battery would run out soon anyhow without electricity to recharge. Many people watch Viki for free, which the other sites who allow downloading would never do for more than a month. Plus those sites cost way more for a subscription! I think it's an unreasonable request. Try to imagine if you were the owner of Viki. How much can you give away without ending up like the legitimate sites which had to close? A show's license costs a million dollars or more. Can you afford to give that to others?

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  • Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video all allow temporary downloads. Why shouldn't Viki?

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  • 1) NF, HL and AP offer only one month free trial. Viki offers free subscription.

    2) NF has over 182 million paying streaming subscribers. Viki has about one fifth the amount and many are non-paying.

    3) Viki caters mostly to Asian content. NF, HL and AP do not.


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  • If you have AP subscription you would know that although you can download shows for offline watching they cannot be shared because you can only watch them through the AP app and they are tied to your account. Plus Viki can always only offer this feature to paying subscribers.

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  • My son got me AP, but there's nothing on there I like to watch.

    When our internet goes down due to a storm, I cannot access my Viki app. I don't know how that would help when you're someplace without internet and cannot have proper access to Viki app.

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  • i agree, i was planning to get the yearly subscription but then you cannot watch it offline nor has a offline playback. no thank you, it's just a waste of having tons of great dramas but useless on offline playback.

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  • Honestly thinking of unsubscribing to this as I feel gutted that I can't watch shows offline, what a joke!

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  • In apps like IQIYI, the downloads don't get saved on the device. They are only available on the app... If you delete the app, the videos also get deleted. You can't share with friends also.

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  • Offline watching is pretty standard now on all major streaming apps! There are even Free apps like Vudu that let you download content. This should definitely be a feature for paying customers. Very disappointed it's not an option. 

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  • i know netflix and other streaming sites have the offline download version and i hope viki does it too hopefully soon or in the future since it saves time and plus i’m an iphone user and when i’m outside my wifi i can’t really use my data or wifi to watch dramas so it’s kinda sad

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  • I agree with everyone in this thread. Viki needs to allow their paid subscribers to download shows to watch offline.

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  • The ONLY reason I'm not a paying subscriber is because there is no download for viewing offline feature. I live in a rural area with very slow internet. There are many times during the day where I don't have sufficient download speeds to stream. If I could download late at night or when I'm at work, I could watch my shows anytime I wanted. Why would I pay a hundred dollars when the only real benefit is being able to view a few more shows?

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  • So many years and not even a reply :(

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  • Yes! We need offline viewing. I'm so annoyed that my only option for my subway commute is Netflix. Netflix is fine, but I much prefer Viki. 

    Get on it! It's ridiculous that in this day and age there is no offline viewing option. You can prevent piracy in several ways (lock it to the app, have downloads expire after 7 days, etc.) If other streaming services seem to be able to manage this, I'm confident that Viki can do it as well. 

    Your fans are waiting! Please provide an offline option! 

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  • I'm glad I found this thread. I used to subscribe to DramaFever (I miss them so much) and wanted to try Viki as a replacement because they have more of the shows I want to watch than Netflix or Hulu. I have a trip coming up with a long flight and thought this would be a good time to try it out so not having this feature is a turnoff.

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  • This has been on here for 4 years already and we are still waiting... I used Viki 2 years ago too with subscription and that was something I really wanted. Please let us have this feature at least on mobile!!

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  • OMG!!! 😍 I would like to be able to download episodes to watch offline, which is why I am very happy about this announcement!

    - But: I live in Germany and can "just" use the Viki Pass Standard, not the the Viki Pass Plus. Will it then even be possible for me to use this function in the future, which I wish so much? Or not?! 😔

    - It would be really modest if the offline function could not also be available in Europe


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  • This option is available on other major streaming sites. It would be nice if Viki had the same option.

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  • jgarreta_86 Viki has the option of offline streaming. - But.. this service is unfortunately not available in every country. For example; not in Germany 

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  • I am sure there is a way to prevent sharing for downloaded shows. I would also be willing to pay more for a download option. I travel frequently and mostly watch shows on airplanes. I also find it unfair that while we a pay the same membership fees, for now only America has the download option.

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