[Solved] Creating a pin
Why am I being asked to Create a pin? I have had this subscription for a long time. This is the first time that I am asked to create a pin.
Why am I being asked to Create a pin? I have had this subscription for a long time. This is the first time that I am asked to create a pin.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your patience.
Our engineers have gotten back to us and the issue has been fixed. We have released an updated version of the app that should resolve the problem. Please update your application and make sure it's the version 24.3.1.
Please let us know if the problem persists after the update. We will be more than happy to look into it for you.
Thank you,
I am a Viki Pass Plus member and have had this membership for 3 years. However, I have been asked to create a PIN, and when I enter the PIN, it states that I entered the incorrect PIN. I have a Toshiba Fire TV, and no kids can access my account. In addition to this sudden request, there are no options to remove the PIN or parental access. It is frustrating, and I am now rethinking my membership options, especially since I cannot comfortably watch the app from my television.
I’m being asked to crate a pin why? I had this subscription for years
I'm being asked to create a pin out of the blue and there is no option to show what I'm entering - this is a problem, because the cursor is not going to the starting box, and then wants more than 4 numbers entered. I keep getting an error message that the pins don't match, but I can't correct it.
This new pin feature is terrible. I create a pin and then it tells me it’s not correct. Please address this issue immediately.
Why? All of a sudden I am forced to create a pin. No children are using any of my devices and yet I am still forced to create a pin. Please allow the option to turn this feature off as it is unnecessary and frustrating. It is pointless for me to be forced to use this.