THE Producers, English subtitles are out of sync. Sometimes subs are delayed, sometimes subs are not appearing in certain scenes. But most of them are delayed. I've experienced it in the first episode. Please fix it. Thank you!
Hi papasukinnyonaako_56 & ckochlourens_498,
The subtitle out of sync issue for The Producers is now fixed! You may continue watching it now.
Do note that if you are using Chromecast, certain shows might still be out of sync and you can follow updates for that issue here.
If you are still having technical issues, please send details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at bit.ly/VikiHelp and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hello papasukinnyonaako_56,
I'm sorry that you're experiencing this issue. Our team is aware of it and will be looking into it as soon as they can.
I forwarded all the information you provided to our engineering team and we expect to have a resolution for this problem when possible.
Hope this helps for now. Again, we're sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you,
Is there an update on this? I've just started watching The Producers and ran into the same problem. Would love to watch this drama, but I can't with the subtitles being so out of synch. Thanks!
Hi ckochlourens_498,
Our team will need a little more time to look into this subtitle issue but we will definitely provide updates here once the issue is fixed.
Thank you for your patience in the meantime and we suggest watching another title first and coming back to this later.
The subtitles are still out of sync even with update. I'm watching Master In the House.
hi amelialolette_461,
As your concern is linked to a separate issue regarding Chromecast, we will be replying to your ticket via the Help Center with more details.
Please help to respond on that ticket as well.
Thank you,
I am been desperately trying to watch Taxi and the subtitles are off. I tried to watch on my phone and cast to no luck. Please advise.!
Hi sushieemailaddy_235,
If you're experiencing subs out of sync even without Chromecast-ing, it might be a separate issue and we will reach out to you shortly via a ticket.
Please help to respond there too.
Thank you,
Subtitles are out of sync still no updates about this issue?
Hello jqbautista_766,
As your concern is linked to a separate issue regarding Chromecast, we will be replying to your ticket via the Help Center with more details.
Kindly respond as soon as your ticket has been created.
The Taxi Driver English subtitles are delayed as I am casting it through Chromecast. I have reset the Chromecast and restarted the Viki app. How can I get this fixed? It is delayed from the start of episode 1 all the way through to the half so far.
Hello es9304,
We're really sorry as this is an ongoing issue with Chromecast users. I understand how frustrating it is but our technical team is currently doing their best to resolve it as soon as they can.
For any updates on this issue, please follow this thread for more updates.
We are asking for your patience and understanding on this one.