[Solved] Issue with timer saying videos don't exist
Currently every time we enter the segment timer there is a message that the video doesn't exist. If the page is refreshed and tried again it will work.
UPDATE: Issue has been fixed and videos should now be coming up within the tools. Do let us know if you experience the same problem after the fix.
Hello everyone,
This issue was raised during the weekend as it was affecting a few Japanese titles. Since then, it started affecting multiple other shows but we failed to prioritize accordingly.
Our engineer is currently looking into it and we hope to get this sorted out soon. We apologize for the delay attending this problem as it happened to fall in between the cracks of multiple vacation periods of multiple teams.
We are trying to push forward and make sure we prioritize volunteer related issues, no matter the time or day. Once again, we apologize for this delay.
I'll update here once we have confirmation of the fix!
Hello, same problem for me. Error message in the subtitle editor, the video doesn't exist.
NEITHER sub nor seg tools are working, NONE OF MY DRAMAS EXIST, and Teams are contacting me so I guess that's it for tonight, MAYBE all weekend.
I HAVE PUT IN TWO tickets and nothing but the autoreply.
Same here, sent a ticket, no concrete reply.
I am:
1. Unable to enter the Subtitle Editor, which claims my video does not exist
2. Unable to efficiently translate in Bulk, which places the translating box right in the middle of my screen

I'm encountering the same bug. "This video doesn't exist".
I was on: http://subber.viki.com/translations/1095627
I went to look into other dramas where I participate, it's the same in Segment Timer or in Subtitle Editor.
A friend also told me to go into the Segment Timer and come back into the Subtitle Editor yesterday and it worked.
But today, it doesn't work anymore.
I also filed a ticket on Viki assistance yesterday when I first met this bug (if you need my system info and close my ticket when the bug is fixed): ticket #377880
I can't contribute neither.
Thank you for your help!
The screenshot from the previous drama link:
hello, same from me. i can't Sub any of my Projects.
this is since yesterday.
i know more People which have the same prob
In case of emergency, @teufelchen_netty_266, you can try translating in Bulk Translations. Not optimal by far, I know, but who knows when we'll see this problem resolved.
@bozoli, yes you can do this. but i dont know who is talking with who. if they formal or not oder two guys/ womans, etc.. so this doesnt work out
I know, I'm in the same pickle :D I figure I will correct it when editing.
Last night, refreshing sort of worked. Now, 10 hours later it's worse. Refreshing doesn't work and many dramas that load today can't even be started. Talk about a pain.
My friend has access to her dramas, but not me. I tried to enter the Subtitle Editor of her video to see if I could have the same error message and nope, everything is fine.
She also tried to enter the drama I have this problem and she encounters the same error message.
So it's not a problem coming from my browser.
It might be for some dramas only.
Maybe, if it's possible to know if Viki is working during weekend? So we know that we have to wait next week.
Thank you, VCS!
Oh I thought I was the only one having this problem! I can't sub or segment T.T
I tried it will all of my current projects and I couldn't acces any of them!
I hope this gets resolved soon...
Subtitle Editor is not working, I have the same problem...
Yup here too, in particular the Chinese content but it's Saturday, anyone working, should we have a hotline or a red line for kinda "emergency" like this?
So far...
Chrome: Can not get into either the Sub editor or Seg editor. Repeatedly refreshed on many dramas that have this issue "video does not exist." No fix.
FF: Same issue as Chrome.
Edge: Sub editor does not work, BUT! Seg editor was working on all the dramas I had the above issue. I can edit/sub from the seg editor if needed.
My OS is Win10. I'm a huge Chrome user, but will use Edge if I have to in the meantime.
Not sure if iOS users are having the same problem. Everyone should try different browsers and report this with your OS so Viki will know what they are up against...
... that's when and if they start reading our messages.
Yes! Dayum, weekends are the best time to work. This is quite sad...
for me it doesnt work in opera, edge, Chrome and ff.
both Laptops have two browers on it and ist works nowhere
I have the same problem here. Just that for me the new dramas (for example I Cannot Hug You and the trailers for Take Your Mark) are working normally. A bit older ones from last year or before gave me the same error message "We are sorry, this video does not exist."
For me too. Hwayugi and I'm not a Robot, as well as While You Were Sleeping, where I went to put some order to the OST versions, are working normally. Others don't, though.