Latest activity by sinley789_315-
sinley789_315 创建了一个帖子, 已回答[Closed] Does VIKI work with VPN ?
Due to travel in December and want to know if I will able to access Viki via VPN and if there is a recommended VPN ? Thank you
sinley789_315 创建了一个帖子, Help me fing a Channel Manager for Heart Signal (Chinese Version) ?
Heart Signal is one of my favorite shows and I can't get enough of it. However this verion is still hanging as nobody has stepped forward for Channel Manager. Please help me find one to take the ...
sinley789_315 进行了评论, Hi Viki Repair Team, Fantastic work! The site seems to working again :)) Thanks very much
sinley789_315 进行了评论, Same problem. Using FireFox on Windows 10. Steps tried: Clearong cookies. Disabled and paused ADblock for site. Disabled Firefox advance Tracker in Browser. Nothing seems to help ... It was worki...
sinley789_315 创建了一个帖子, 已回答[Closed] Free content becoming premium
Helloo, Please can you say why shows which I have watched already on Freemium account are now listed as for paid content members?
sinley789_315 进行了评论, Dear Support, I realise that you are all working hard to resolve this issue. I just wanted to say that I too am experiencing the same issues. Browser: Using Firefox on Windows 10 laptop. Regards
sinley789_315 创建了一个帖子, 已回答Missing: The other side side
Please can you let me is there is season 2 to Missing: The Other side? This is a truly wonderful show.
sinley789_315 进行了评论, Have you tried reachinng out to Viki via Twitter @ https://twitter.com/Viki. This is huge soo am following your thread. Please kep me posted :-)
sinley789_315 进行了评论, witch bug?
sinley789_315 进行了评论, Hi I am following this with interest as am considering subscribing. Please can you let me know hoe do you know you information was sold without asking? This is a bug bear of mine. Thanks