Latest activity by black95-
black95 创建了一个帖子, 已回答[Closed] Can't find the Samsung Smart TV app
Hello, I saw on the Apps page that Viki is finally available on Samsung Smart TVs, which is something I've waited forever for. Unfortunately the excitement was only for a short period of time, as I...
black95 创建了一个帖子, Android TV App Suggestions
Suggestions/Ideas for the Android TV App: - A dedicated Watchlist page and a button in the menu to access it. - A watchlist that is correct. Most of the time the watchlist in the Home page won't sh...
black95 进行了评论, True. I can't believe 1080p is the maximum that's available. Especially for newer dramas. They should add 4K resolution so those watching on a TV can enjoy a better image quality. I would even be w...