[Closed] Viki app not working on TV with Roku
It's been 48 hrs. and the Viki app for Roku still not loading. There's no way to uninstall/reinstall app because it doesn't connect. Many subscribers are losing their benefits with their Viki Pass. We should be compensated with a free rental or have the expiration date extended by the number of days the system is not working.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for reaching out!
We're aware of the crashing issues with the Roku Viki Channel, and our team is working on it.
Do follow this post for updates as this duplicate topic would be closed.
In the meantime, we suggest watching on Viki.com or on our other supported apps.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.
I had the same issue. I was able to fix it by clicking left on the remote a few times as soon as the app opened.