
[Closed] New Roku app downgrade

How can I undo the new Roku app upgrade??? The new version is awful!!! This is not an upgrade but a total downgrade!!! It's not user friendly. Why is the font and images soo small? I have a 60 in TV and I have to get up and stand in front of the TV to see the menu and select what I want to watch. At least if you're going to do something like this, have an accessible feature that allows me to have larger font and images. I will seriously have to unsubscribe from Viki if this is not fixed because I'm not going to be standing in front of the TV all day. Also, Why can I no longer search using the genre and language options. That was one of my favorite features that I used ALL the time. Also, I liked the Top 10/On Air at the top with continue watching right under it. What would make this an upgrade for me would be an option to stream to TV from the Internet app like Youtube. A coming soon category by month or week (i.e. coming March 2022 or coming next week). The ability to filter watch list by date added, genre, rating, and language would also be nice. I would also like the ability to rate to show directly on the app. Adding the fan collections to the app would also be nice. Viki, please correct these issues (especially font and image size and search function) or undo the update and allow us to go back to the old version.  I was really liking Viki up until now but will unfortunately have to cancel if this is not corrected. Thank you


  • Hi there,

    Thanks for writing to us with your issue.

    We will be closing this ticket to avoid having multiple posts of the same issue. Kindly visit this link for further updates.

    Thank you,

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