[Solved] Roku Layout changes
I have Viki on Roku in the US and WHAT did they do to the homescreen layout? My "continue watching" only plays the rest of the episode I was on and stops. No next episode option. The categories (which were at the top) are GONE. I watch Viki daily and it was not like this yesterday...anyone else?
Que horrible lo que le hicieron al diseño nuevo de VIKI, ya son mas de 2 años de estar utilizándolo peor una total decepción el cambio que hicieron, ya no guarda los avances, no tiene opción para el siguiente episodio y no realiza búsquedas por país, categorías, etc. lastimosamente realice mi pago anual sino también estaría finalizando mi suscripción.
Alguien sabe si me devuelven el dinero si me retiro?.
Hi all,
In regards to the following feedback from the recent Roku version update:
Our team is actively making progress for some of them, and we hope to share the good news with you soon on this thread! Thank you for your continued patience in the meantime.
To the Viki Support "official" posters:
Why have your "team working on it" when you can fix the whole issue by simply rolling back to the previous version? Unless your IT people are hopelessly incompetent, you should be able to do this in a day!
What happened? Why did they changed for the worst? Is Viki trying to find its way out the door with roku? I remember having sub headers on top of the home page and you can find things whole lot easier that way. What they did was a disaster and I am getting the vibe that they must had fallen off with Roku and is doing everything of their powers to get out of its contract with Roku.
This is just simply ridiculous that you cannot fix an interface that you messed up. Its as simple as reverting to the previous version which should not take more than a day at most and if you IT team can't figure out how to do that in 15 days, then there's no hope and you need to change your IT resources.
As for me, I just cancelled my subscription as I refuse to pay for an app that is this bothersome to navigate through and is NOT at all user friendly.
Here is a work around for the Roku app with a tv. Go to "Me" section & you will see your "Continue Watching" List. This list has the "Next Episode" arrows! It also auto forwards when episodes finish. In case people didn't already know this.
This new interface is useless. I can’t find anything and stopped using Viki. If you don’t make it more functional and easier to use, l will end up canceling my subscription. This is worthless.
This is ridiculous. Nothing is fixed yet and our voices go unheard. Just sending a preprepared statement saying you’re working on it but no changes thus far is insane. You’re placating us. With this new setup you’re going to lose a crap ton of money because i myself among many others won’t pay for something like this.
When will the font size on the Viki app on Roku be corrected (or an option to increase font size be added)??? It is not sustainable nor reasonable to me to have to stand in front of the TV to read the text and descriptions, especially for something I'm paying for!
Hi Everyone, Here's an update from the ticket I put in:
"Thank you for your patience.
Our engineers have gotten back to us and the issue with autoplay and next episode button on Roku has been fixed. Please make sure to update your Viki app to version 2.18.0 before trying again.
We are still working to bring back the 'Explore' feature on Roku and will update you when we have more information. We sincerely thank you for your detailed feedback and seek your kind understanding on this."
How can we find out what version we have? I just spent the last 10 minutes trying to find version information and failed.
Also, why would we need to update the app? You rammed this crappy version down our throats without asking us, so why can you not push the alleged updates out the same way?
pvdg42_463 select the app in the menu then press * with the app highlighted
Thanks, mjmusicguy!
pvdg42_463 note this new update only fixes continue watching and next episode features and not the GUI
I agree with all the people unhappy about the update; I was extremely disappointed with it. Updates are supposed to make using the app easier for customers, not harder. The old version was a great app and easy to use which was why I paid for Rakuten Viki. Please bring back the old version it would be very appreciated.
Hi all,
Our team has managed to fix some of the Roku bugs when playing from Continue Watching:
Do check that your Roku Viki Channel is updated to version 2.18 for the above fixes.
These are the other Roku issues that our team will need more time to work on:
Rest assured that your feedback is being noted and we will provide more updates on this thread once there are any. Thank you for your understanding and patience in the meantime!
I am also not happy with the new layout. Fix it please.
Bueno, yo soy nuevo con roku y viki, recién compré el dispositivo, y pensé que así era el diseño original del canal, la forma que encontré de usar bien el canal fue usando la aplicación de viki en el celular buscar el drama darle reproducir al episodio y luego ya me aparecía en el canal, es que tengo muchos dramas guardados en una lista privada y a muchos no les recuerdo el nombre y la lista no aparece en el canal de viki de roku, otra cosa que me gustaría que habilitaran son los timed comments que es lo mejor que hay en viki y lo diferencia de otros servicios similares
I don’t think Viki knows why we’re upset.
The new setup shows Assistant of Superstar (On Air)
Then shows continue watching
Watch list
Viki picks
Latest released
And so one and so forth…
Everything is going downwards and it somehow shows thumbnails going across instead of a whole page filled with thumbnails of the shows how it used to be. The new layout we hate it because we want everything done in fast meaning easier access. This new layout is hard for us to get to what we want. We don’t have time to keep scrolling to get to the shows we want to see.
Before things like “On Air”, “Continue watching”, “Watchlist (queue)”, and “Kocowa (I don’t see it anymore)” all had to be clicked. Once we clicked it, it opened up a new page a page full with thumbnails instead of scrolling sideways. So it was much easier to get to what we want to watch. One of the things like I mentioned was Kocowa and most of my shows that I liked to watch was found in Kocowa. It was such an easier access before this new layout.
We would want that layout back. Please if it’s not too hard to go back to that layout.
Also my battery of my roku remote control runs out faster because I am using it for much longer before getting to the show that I want to watch. Because I am constantly scrolling (either down then across) trying to find shows.
What happened with Kocowa? I don’t think I see it in Viki?
I keep scrolling to find it but don’t see it. And about five scrolls the app keeps trying to refresh so it keeps buffering for every five scrolls. My battery runs out faster this way
It buffers then freezes
Michelle (CX)
Anything new it has been another long time please help ?
Are we being naïve in thinking this is a simple problem of a company innocently trying to update their layout and things went unexpectedly wrong? Viki took something that was fixed and broke it - did no one at the company know ahead of time that so many problems would occur to their format when they changed it? Where are the professionals? Why is it almost a month and things still aren't corrected? I find it interesting that so little information is being provided by Viki to their paying customers even after so many of their customers are saying how very unhappy they are. This seems like the actions of a company that is either going under/out of business or making some kind of financial deal to the detriment of their customers.
I find it interesting that so little information is being provided by Viki to their paying customers even after so many of their customers are saying how very unhappy they are. This seems like the actions of a company that is either going under/out of business or making some kind of financial deal to the detriment of their customers.
Exactly, 100% agree with you. If they fail to bring back the browse by country feature we will sadly stop our subscription. This not something we as customers need time to get use to - it needs to be fixed by viki.
I agree with the above @lc but you have to understand it is ran by Asians probably Koreans and they don’t change listen to citizens or customers. When they change something it’s set in stone. That’s the Asian way of living.
Ok, I hate the new layout on Roku enough to consider canceling my subscription, however, there are some things being said here that I must speak out on.
1. When you say Asians you're talking about a group of people that is full of many different cultures and is extremely diverse. Not all Asians are the same, if you watched the different types of shows on Viki you'd see this for yourself with the difference in their content....Asia is a continent not an all encompassing group of people with a singular culture.
2. There are lots of western companies that don't care about and don't listen to their customers, in fact most companies around the world only care about the customers if their product stops selling. This is not an Asian exclusive thing. Very few companies truly listen to their customers unless there is a massive boycott of their products.
3. Viki was founded by Americans (Yes, Asian-Americans are still American, it is listed as an American company because that is where and by whom it was founded), the company moved to Singapore for a while but was eventually bought and is now a subsidiary of Rakuten which is a Japanese company. Viki has offices all around the world. At this point who knows where decisions are made but either way, stop unilaterally blaming Koreans or Asians.
This new layout is awful and prevents usage, it is something that needs to be fixed by the company. I don't know if Roku forced them to do a layout update or if they were trying to innovate and it didn't work out. As consumers we only see the end result and get the biggest effects. All we can do is speak up on this forum respectfully and/or speak with our money. As a consumer it seems it would be an easy fix to just roll back the update, but as they show, this isn't an option for them we can only wait and see or cancel our subscriptions en masse to show this is unacceptable.
To Viki representatives: Communicate more, part of this issue is the lack of communication. Saying that its being worked on is not enough given how much time it has taken. The Roku app is completely unusable in its current state and this is unacceptable given the cost of a subscription. If this is not fixed by mid March, I will also be canceling my subscription.
This layout is such a failure! It's been a month since this was posted and your IT team still hasn't figured out how to fix the basic search, browse or filter features?? Why implement this layout when it's not even ready??? Can you revert everyone back to the old version, fix all the bugs and features, then switch back to the new? Why are we paying $99/year for something broken? I seriously hope there's some compensation like extending our membership a month or two, a credit on renewal, or something else. This is ridiculous!
My thoughts exactly, lenlen143. I just canceled my Viki Pass Plus subscription. It's just a shame, but I don't think Viki is listening or even cares.
I'm in the same boat. I'm watching this thread hoping to hear that Viki will change this Roku UI back to something useful, but if nothing is going to be done, we'll be cancelling our subscription as well.
All my shows ended today and I feel so depressed. This is when I normally search for what I'm feeling like.Today it was to look at some mysteries and some entertainment/reality based shows with the Roku device/Viki app. But instead I was forced to only look at what someone else chose for the lists Viki puts on the app. Also, they seem to be the same shows again and again and then all of the most recent ones. There were no reality show headings at all. I also like Chinese historical dramas but am at the mercy of what they put there. To add to that it is saying I have no followed shows when in fact I have dozens and dozens so I couldn't even look through those. Honestly I feel so depressed. It's forcing me to change the pattern of how I relax. I don't feel like searching the internet for shows I might like. I want to rest after a really hard day and be cozy on the sofa and search from the Viki app. But I guess I'll play an online game instead or just watch Amazon prime or something. This is so bizarre that this is happening right now when we are ALL so stressed and the world has gone crazy. Just why are you doing this Viki?