
stop auto play new player

I have the new bet player.... how do you stop the auto play?



  • 正式评论

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for your feedback.

    To provide an update - we're glad to say that the autoplay feature has been added back to the video player, you may find it under video settings. 

    How to Turn Autoplay On or Off

    Hope this helps!


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  • There is definitely an autoplay feature and it would be great if we could turn that off. 

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  • I don`t like the new player either. I often fall asleep while watching an episode and wake up to find I`ve missed 6. 

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  • I do not like the new player. I want more control not less. I want to halt the auto feature. I want individual episodes viewers comments. 

    The new player is clumsy, annoying and gives the view less options. Not a wise change in this player system.

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  • Hi there,

    Thank you so much for writing in to us.

    The new web player no longer has the 'Autoplay' function but it is still available on mobile apps.

    Should you like this feature back, please click here to visit Viki Ideas to either submit a suggestion or vote for an existing one.

    If you’d like to see an idea implemented, please upvote the idea! The more upvotes an idea has, the more likely it will be prioritized.

    We're always looking for ways to improve the community's experience on our site, and your feedback goes a long way in educating us on what you need, and what you'd like to see.

    Hope this helps to clarify!


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  • I don't like the new video player Michelle! I want the OLD ONE back! Tell me how please because this is seriously bugging me not being able to turn it off!

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