[Closed] Samsung Viki where do I type in the loggin code for my tv
So I just got the viki app on my samsung smart tv and I tried to login to my viki account on it and got a code, but I do not know where to type the code into on my laptop. The tv says to type it in to www.viki.com/samsungtv/ but when I open the limk it says 404 and that the page is not found. How do I log in?
Hi there,
Thank you for writing in.
We are no longer supporting the Viki app on Samsung Smart TV devices thus you will no longer be able to access code login and stream videos on the app.
We can recommend you other options to watch Viki from your TV, such as Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, or using a HDMI cable. For more information, you can refer to viki.com/apps for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support towards.
Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and we'll be glad to help.
HI, I am having trouble getting into my Viki pass.
Email is right
Password is right
But it also says enter a code.... I can't find that screen Help
I just paid for another years subcription too.
Thanks in advet Janance for the helo.I can't watch Viki on my TV
my Nane is Janet *******
my email is ****** account email is Bookladyjc_724
Help Pleases I hate ads and I'm getting them in all shows and I can't even get to the Viki Pass shows....
~~ Thank you,
~~ Janet Carroll
Hi bookladyjc_724,
Thank you for writing in, do note that we have hidden your personal details for security purposes.
We are no longer supporting the Viki app on Samsung Smart TV devices thus you will no longer be able to access code login and stream videos on the app.
For more information, you can refer to viki.com/apps for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support towards.
If you are using a Roku device, please head to https://www.viki.com/roku on your mobile/laptop web browser to enter the code you see from your device.
Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and we'll be glad to help.
Oi angelucia_nascimento_815,
Não estamos mais apoiando o aplicativo Viki nos dispositivos Samsung Smart TV.
Podemos recomendar outras opções para assistir ao Viki na sua TV, como o Chromecast, o Roku, o Apple TV ou o uso de um cabo HDMI. Para mais informações, você pode consultar viki.com/apps para obter uma lista de TVs e dispositivos para os quais fornecemos suporte completo.
Sinta-se à vontade para me informar se tiver outras dúvidas ou preocupações e ficarei feliz em ajudar.
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Comprei uma tv Samsung smart e baixei o viki...mas pede um código que tem no site...porém diz que o site não pode ser encontrado...o q eu faço???