[Solved] Healer not loading
Hey! I just wanted to start watching healer and found its episodes but when I clicked open the first one, it just kept on giving me the loading symbol. The circle just kept on rotating in the middle of the screen. I'm able to watch other dramas but when I try for this one it just wouldn't load. Help pls!
Alright.. will try...... thanks a lot for ur help....😊
Hi shamashahins_67,
Sorry to hear you're experiencing such issues.
If this issue is occurring on the viki.com website, please send a issue report for the problem by taking these steps:
After submitting the report, please let me know.
Alternatively, if you're experiencing this on a Viki app, please try deleting and reinstalling the app to see if it helps.
If you continue to experience the same issue, please let us know the following information?
Let me know how it goes!
Hey Kristie..
Thanks a lot for responding to my problem...
I just finished submitting the report on the Viki.com website.... Hoping you guys get to resolve the issue sooner...
Hi shamashahins_67,
Thanks for sending the report!
I noticed that in your diagnostic report, you're watching from the mobile browser on a mobile phone. As the Viki video player wasn't designed for mobile web browsers, it doesn't always work optimally.
For optimal video watching experience, please download the Viki app from the App Store and watch on the app instead.
Hope this helps! If you continue experiencing problems watching on the app, don't hesitate to let me know!
Hey Kristie...
I had tried to download the app from the app store on my phone earlier... But the thing is appstore does not support the installation of the app on my device... So.. I can't really do anything about it ryt now...
Sorry for bothering u so much...😅
Hi shamashahins_67,
Sorry to hear that your device does not support the Viki app.
What I can suggest, if you have other devices that we support is to try if you're able to watch on one of them.
You can refer to the list of supported devices here and supported web browsers we have here.
Glad to help! If there's anything else I can do to assist, don't hesitate to let me know! :)