[Closed] Edit titles and descriptions in other languages

It's been over a week since the title of a drama on air I'm moderating has been translate in French. But the translation doesn't mean much so I'd like to correct it but it won't work. Everyday, several times a day, I try to change the title, and it's even writtren "saved successful" but the title never changes. I switched navigator but nothing do. I asked some other moderators and they also have the same issue.

It's possible to change the desription but not the title. Why isn't it working ? What do we do ? 



  • I also have had this problem for some time now and I've created a ticket about it. They told me that the English cannot be changed by the Channel Manager, but I recently reopened the ticket to alert them to the fact that it happens with other languages as well. For some you cannot even write anything, for some you write but it isn't saved!

    One instance is the film The Last Time I Saw Paris. There was a major spoiler in the given description ("their marriage fails". This happens in the last third of the movie!) and I HAD to change it, but it was impossible, not only in English but in all other languages. 

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  • what drama has the problem? 

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  • As for mine, Radio Romance.

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  • C'est vrai que "Idylle radio", c'est vraiment bizarre. 

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  • @Kristie No, Radio Romance is not the only one. I'm also the moderator of the movies "A Special Lady" and "The Outlaws". When I tried to translate these titles, it didn't work either. Though "A Special Lady" is now correctly translate in french, it wasn't done by me. When I tried, it didn't work.

    A friend of mine, the moderator of "My Huckleberry Friends" also tried to change the translation that has been done in french, but it also was unsuccessful.

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  • Tu as raison, c'est le cas pour tous les dramas, il y a des résumés remplis de fautes qu'on ne peut pas corriger. Il faudrait aussi arrêter avec la traduction de "drama" par "série dramatique", je le trouve un nombre incalculable de fois, et quand c'est un drama comique...

    Tout ça est pénible. Et ne parlons pas des titres. 


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  • Hi,

    Not just the title, but the description too...

    I'm the french moderator of the drama "My Golden Life" and " Money Flower". I want to change the description but I can't. I also asked the CM of " Money Flower" to do it, but she can't either. This was the message that appeared...

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  • Hey moreenke,

    Thanks for reporting this.

    Just to confirm, is this only occurring for the French translation of Radio Romance or is it occurring for other channels as well?


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  • Thanks moreenke!

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  • Hello !

    It's been a month since I posted this issue and instead of being solved, it got worse ! Now, we can't even translate or correct viki's translations of titles ? Seriously ?

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