
[Solved] Every Disqus comment I type is automatically deleted


I have a problem with Viki disqus, I can't post any comment, because each time I'm posting, it got deleted after a few seconds or after refreshing the page, I tried 5 times for one comment saying: "Done". I also tried with "16.1 segmented" in Team discussion.

It's a problem when I segment, because when I'm done, I can't communicate with the team to inform them of the progress of segmentation.

I tried on other pages too with different comments.

I had to call a friend to post for me.

Thank you for your help!



  • 正式评论

    Hey Piranna,

    From the sounds of it, it sounds like your comments are being detected and blocked as spam.

    Disqus can detect users as spamming based on their algorithm, which we don't have control over.

    But we can offer the following suggestions to avoid your comment being detected as spam:

    • Refrain posting the same content in every post, even a signature
    • Try to make your comment longer than just a word or two
    • Avoid strange syntax and punctuation
    • Avoid posting multiple links

    If you're still experiencing problems with it, you can also request us to manually approve the comments.


    Hope this helps! And sorry for the inconveniences with Disqus. If you have any issues or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know!


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  • disqus has been lately buggy, to read notifications I have to refresh and refresh and go from a Drama page into editors Team discussions in order to see the red notification, disqus lately goes to their main page where they wants you to sign on disqus,  with commenting so far no issues except when Im on a Viki page too long I have to refresh again because Disqus couldn't verify me with Viki, I wonder if the switching internet servers has something to do with, internet has been very unstable lately, could be also a reason for this.

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  • Hello @Kristie,

    Yesterday, I could post "17.3 segmented" in Team discussion on Mr. Right and also on Nirvana in Fire 2 + a long comment of about 8 lines on a drama main page. No problem.

    Today, for my first post: I couldn't post "34.3 segmented" in Team discussion on Nirvana in Fire 2 (it was detected as spam, my message lasted not even 20 minutes before being deleted). I had to call the same friend to post again for me on Nirvana in Fire 2 and on Mr. Right : she could post the same message that was detected as spam for me (but not detected as spam for her XD).

    > Other segmenters can post the same message model "X segmented" on the same Team Discussion without being detected as spam + I could post too before.

    > I didn't post the same message since each part of a drama is unique and can't be segmented twice.  I didn't use strange punctuation neither, nor strange links.

    > I segmented about 20 ~ 30 minutes for 1 part, I didn't move from my chair or didn't change windows. my internet was fine too. I think there's a problem with Disqus.

     Thank you for your help!

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  • Hi Piranna, 

    I was able to find the problem on Disqus end. For some reason unknown to us, Disqus was flagging you as a "Low Rep" account. Reasons for this are multiple and across Disqus, not just Viki. I managed to approve all your comments and reinstated you as a trusted user on our site. You might have trouble with this same account on other sites that use Disqus.

    Can you check if all comments are now approved on Team Discussions? 


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  • Hi Mariliam,

    Thank you for looking into it, I checked them and everything is fine now.
    I don't use Disqus on extern websites so it's okay.

    Thank you again!

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