
[Solved] Getting kicked off Viki app on Roku back to main Roku home page

I don't think I can log out of viki bcs it wont let me stay there more than a few seconds. I'd rather not reset the whole roku device unless I have to bcs then I have to re-install all the other apps. I'll do that as a last resort. Is anyone else having this issue?



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    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your patience and understanding while we worked hard on the Roku Beta app.

    We've built this app from scratch to fundamentally address the issues that were affecting our old Roku app, and, most importantly, provide you with the best user experience.

    The new Roku Beta app is now available. To learn how to download and install the app, click here.

    Feel free to let us know about your experience and any feedback you might have regarding the Beta app.


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  • This is happening to me right now... what can I do to get it back on? Will it come back on it's own?.. some one please help!

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  • having same issue here.  all is well until trying to launch...i have the Kocowa yupgrade as well.  Please fix this problem as soon as possible.


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  • I started having this problem as well.  I uninstalled, updated, added the vikiglobaltv on my roku account and still I get kicked out whenever I try linking the login code to my roku.  I can get on VIKI but only if I don't try to login.

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  • I'm experiencing the same issue, though I was able to watch Viki on Roku as recently as this morning before leaving for work.

    This evening, I updated my Roku, uninstalled Viki, reinstalled it and logged in, and added vikiglobaltv on my Roku account. I can get into Viki's menu but it never loads and I'm booted back to Roku's menu. Help, Viki peeps ... this isn't happening with any other channels I have.

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  • This just started happening to me today

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  • This happened to me this afternoon and still doesn't work.

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  • Yes, Viki, the problem that was happening has RETURNED - the app loads, you can view your lists, you can load up the episodes off the main box for the show you have chosen, but when you attempt to load an actual EPISODE, it doesn't load and kicks you back to the ROKU home screen.  This happens both from the history as well as trying to go through a show in your watchlist, then loading episode list, and choosing an episode - once you choose the episode, it will NOT load and kicks you back to the roku home screen. COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE VIKI for what I paid for pass plus - you are giving your roku members substandard service.  Fix the issue and be done with it.  Please!!!!!!

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  • Me too.  Never had this problem until this morning.  Yesterday I finally upgraded to get Kocowa and now this?  Please fix asap.  Thanks.  I won't delete and re add Viki until I know this problem is fixed.

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  • I am also unable to access Viki using the Roku app.  Everything was fine yesterday. There has been one problem after another since I upgraded to Viki Pass Plus.It has gotten to be extremely tiring! Please get someone who knows what he is doing to fix this recurring problem.

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  • it also will not let me access my viki app on my Roku it starts up,says its retrieving and then goes back to Roku home screen. please figure this out. ive restarted my Roku but its still doing the same. 

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  • I am having the same issue. Come on VIKI, you used to be the best, but seem to be slipping lately.

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  • Viki hasn't even responded.  How do you make sure they're getting the message?

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  • I am also having the same issue.  It feels to me that possibly something that was done to fix the "following" portion of my profile breaks the Roku app.

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  • Unfortunately, this is happening to me too!

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  • I received an email from Viki Community Support and ticket number, says they're looking into the problem. Status is still "open".  I hope I get another email when the problem is resolved.

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  • I'm having the same issue. After logging in, it just kicks me out and I'm back to Roku home screen. This just started today. I hope they solve it soon.

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  • This is also happening on our roku(s) - it's too much of a pain to watch on a tablet - or on a computer.  When I paid for the Kocowa level a couple months ago the app was working fine.  There were problems with the roku app acting up during the summer or thereabouts when they updated the app.  Now this is happening - gets to "retrieving" and then kicks you back to the roku home screen. Tried to remove the channel and reinstall and now it says "enter code for PRIVATE roku channel viki."  Since when did Viki become a "private channel" on roku?  Please viki let's get hopping and fix this.  You guys now have had your roku app crash twice within a less than six month period.  What is the problem?  I am really not happy with this.  Why does netflix NOT have these problems with their roku but you guys and drama fever a couple years ago can't seem to fix your issues?

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  • I'm having the same issue. It's always worked fine before. I removed the channel and was going to try and reinstall it, but I can't find it. I did a channel search and looked through the international streaming channels, but it's like it disappeared. Why? Just when my drama came out with a new episode!

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  • The same thing is happening to me, just like aegyo22 above exactly!😢

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  • I am unable to log on as well, my issue started yesterday 1/17/18.  Does anyone know what to do?


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  • Roku viki app started booting me out 1.17  as well   first time this has happened after 1 year with Roku    since i just signed up for free 7 day trial of plus pass  which ends today   am playing it safe and cancelling subscription    i dont want to be stuck paying and not able acess on roku :(

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  • The only "workaround" at this time that I discovered by accident last night messing around with the Roku is if you search on the left of the apps on your home screen for an actual title that you KNOW Viki carries, i.e. I searched for the Korean show "She Was Pretty" - on the "search" feature on the left side on the roku, where roku searches all channels/apps for channels where a show may be available - i.e. netflix, hulu, et al.  - then the show's description will come up - you can move right to where it says it's on viki, and then click through to viki allowing still the episodes only page to be shown on the roku, then you can still select an episode and it loaded ok.  i did not, however, stick with the episode to see if it would play to the end and/or load the next episode automatically.  This, however, is only a temporary "fix" if you need to try and watch something via your roku until viki gets on board with roku to fix whatever caused this recent debacle with the app.  I highly recommend NOT removing your app on your roku - I did that on one roku and fortunately for me the "viki" channel was still an option under "streaming channels" search to reinstall as a channel but now it says it's a "private channel" and you have to enter a code to have it reload on the roku.  If you do NOT have the viki app in your streaming channels search history and you search now for viki on roku's streaming it will NOT come up as an option.  Viki needs to be forthcoming if they have ended their relationship somehow with roku as a streaming app/channel for the public to utilize and some kind of announcement should have been made via their website.  This is totally unacceptable and unprofessional for a paid service to have their customers sabotaged like this. 

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  • addendum - also, reloading the channel, since it kicks you off to the home page while "retrieving" does NOT allow you to link your roku to your account and obviously doesn't allow you to do anything else either like pick subtitle language etc etc etc.

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  • This is back to normal for me. My lists are back. Just need to check if it's saving my locations.



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  • Hi everybody,

    I'm truly sorry for the problems you're experiencing with the Viki Roku app.

    We're working as fast as we can on building a new app that will solve all the issues you're facing on the current one. Due to multiple factors, it will take some time before the new app is released. For more information, please refer to this FAQ.

    We appreciate your kind understanding and patience on the issue.

    Thank you,

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  • This is happening to me right now... what can I do to get it back on? Will it come back on it's own?.. some one please help!

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  • Same problem. If we miss a month of viewing is our scrip extended? Because right now I'm paying for nothing. 

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