[Fixed] Subtitles not playing correctly on my PC but are fine on my phone app.
When I select English sub only one line will show on screen, then it just freezes on that line but the video keeps running. The line will update each time I touch the English 100% in the selection area. This is happening on all the shows I select on Viki but wasn't happening last night. My phone app is not having this problem. Help, help.
Hi everyone,
The issue with subtitles freezing/getting stuck is now fixed (you might need to clear cache & cookies to refresh the page and see the fix.) Once again, we're very sorry for the trouble caused!
If you still need technical assistance, please write to our Support team at watch.viki.com/TechSupport with more details.
Thank you,
I am also having the same issue.
I am also having the same issue.
same thing is happening today. last night worked properly
I've been having the same issue today as well.
Hi henrri_11,
Our team is working on a fix for the Timed Comments issue too and you can follow this post for more updates about it.
Sorry for all the inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding.
Thank you,
Edge: https://whatismybrowser.com/w/NZ7TT44
Chrome: https://whatismybrowser.com/w/RBNWBNR
Good morning!
Actually, in Edge the problem remains, the subtitles does not work even by changing to other languages.
I installed Chrome, and, the English subtitles works normally, but if you switch to the Portuguese subtitles just doesn't work.
I have already performed all the procedures cited for solving the problem, but this did not help at all.
I did tests with Safari, Firefox and Opera in no way the Portuguese subtitles works, at least on my computer. That's why I've been out of it right in the sequence.
I'm sorry if I have misspellings, English is not my native language.
Cleared cache and cookies Closed the browser, restarted and still encountering the problems when starting from the begining of a video or in the middle. Confirmed I am also having the same issue with the Chrome browser. Version 109.0.1518.78 (Official build) (64-bit).
Same issue with frozen Subs (in all languages). PC running Win10 with Edge, 64 bit. This is happening on ALL movies/series. Cleared the cache and cookies...still no go. All videos were working perfectly 24 hrs ago.
I continue to have the same problem. Frustrating! I've done all the things your staff reccomends yet subtitles freeze and do not continue. Works on phone. Other sights (Netflix, acorn) all are fine.
Not that I want chrome on my pc I did try to switch & still no subtitles. It works on Apple devices so could this be a Microsoft issue. I live in the States if that helps. Just wondering how everyone else it watching. I know you are trying your best tech people, just frustrating.
I also have the same issue with the subtitles. Plus It won't let be delete the programs I am finished with.
same problem occurring on my pc....iPad okay. Pls HELP!
I hope they are doing something to address this issue. Too bad.
Hi everyone,
This issue for subtitle out of sync and getting stuck are now fixed so you may return to the title and continue watching.
- For users on our website, you might need to clear cache & cookies to refresh the page and see the fix.
- For users on our apps, do delete and reinstall the app first if you are still facing issues.
- To continue accessing your favorite shows, Continue Watching and Collection lists, and Viki Pass benefits, please check that you are logged into the right account.
- For subtitle completion, kindly check this FAQ for more details: Why are subtitles missing in a specific language?
For other technical issues, please send details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at bit.ly/VikiHelp and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hi everyone,
We're aware some users might still be facing the same subtitles freezing/stuck issue after the initial fix, especially those on Edge browsers.
If this is the case for you and you've already tried the troubleshooting steps indicated in our previous comment, please write to us at watch.viki.com/TechSupport with the following details:
In the meantime, you can consider watching on other browser types (eg. Chrome, Firefox) or on our supported apps.
Thank you,
Tip: You can refer to our Twitter page @VikiStatus for more immediate support updates in the future. You can also access this page without owning a Twitter account.
Hi Charisse Michelle (CX)
I also noticed that timed comments are no longer displayed in the web browser player.
Please, could you correct that? Thank you.
I experienced frozen frozen subtitles while using the Edge web browser. The recommended resolution of clearing cookies and the web cache, logging in/out of Viki, and rebooting the computer did not fix the problem. I just now downloaded the Chrome web browser to see if the problem could be resolved in this way. The subtitles are now working correctly using Chrome instead of Edge.
I am still experiencing these subtitle issues in Edge even after trying all the troubleshooting tips. It is not isolated to any specific show or episode. It happens on anything and everything I try to watch.
Having the same issue. Worked fine yesterday. Did Viki make changes in those 24 hours?
I still do not have subtitles at all on PC or laptop. I do on my phone but don't particularly want to watch from that device.
If it helps in anyway... I switched to firefox browser on the desktop and the subtitles are back. but, still do not have timed comments.
Still a no go on my PC with Windows 11 Edge so I switched to Chrome and the subtitles are working just fine now.
Updates: The irony is that I am watching "Three-Body," which is all about unpredictability. Viki embodies exactly that.
I'm using Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10 and 11. So far my observation is: my chosen subtitles would not work when the next episode starts playing. Whatever subtitles I have previously chosen will stop displaying. The way I solve the problem is: choose "Off" in the subtitles setting. Then select the episode to be played next. Then choose the subtitles I want to display. Then the selected subtitles will work.
Don't wait for the next episode to automatically start; otherwise, your preselected subtitles would stop displaying. And it's no use just turning off and on the subtitles while playing the same episode; you must turn off the subtitles before switching to another episode in order to make subtitles work.
So far that's the only regularity I found in this complete chaos.
Well that 'trick' doesn't work for Edge, after I've made multiple tries and with various episodes. grrr....
Time to cancel my subscription until they fix this mess...why pay for something that I can't watch properly.
Somebody has installed a software change this past Thur/Fri, and that is when the issue started for me...maybe time to revert back to their previous software til they iron out and test the next 'update/install'.
5 days now and this subtitle thing still isn't fixed! On past Wed at 21:23, Charisse posted "This issue for subtitle out of sync and getting stuck are now fixed so you may return to the title and continue watching.". That statement was NOT true. Best to either edit or delete that statement, to prevent further confusing for subscribers. Start providing more timely update reports on this issue...5 days and not a word from Vicki on this forum. I'm not about to start downloading an app to watch vids on my 5" phone screen when until a wk ago my 24" 2K PC monitor was the way I enjoyed these vids. Tell your IT people to turn back that software 'update' to early last week and don't mess with things until they know the new version will work! grrrr
6 days now since VIKI said the problem of frozen subtitles was fixed...IT'S NOT! Still no fix and no updated comment here from VIKI or on Twitter
subtitles not showing up at all @ 100% english and issue persistent any shows i try to watch. i mean, wtf??? the quality and attentiveness to this kind of matter is constantly either ignored or not being worked on at all. you're losing customers. I had to retort to youtube for these episodes.
no meu celular a legenda esta do tamanho grande, mais no meu pc a legenda só aparece no tamanho pequeno o que tenho que fazer para aumenta o tamanho da fonte de legenda no meu pc