
[French] Correct translations on Viki homepage, Viki billboard, Vikipass page


1. What?

-[French] Correct translations on Viki homepage, Viki billboard, Vikipass page

2. Why?

-Because it's more professionnal

-Because we're supposed to have some accuracy in a translation website, it should be one of our core competences.

-Because visiting a correct translated website feels more secured for most of people and parents will be more keen on buying on a website without languages mistakes 


3. Where? How? [French Viki website version]

-Space and punctuation:

In general, in French books typo:

If it's a sentence with ! or ? or ":" : we add a space after the last word of this exclamative, interrogative sentence. We add a space before and after ":"


Je t'aime ! Je t'aime ? Je t'aime :

But no space for:

Je t'aime. Je t'aime... Je t'aime,

-Viki homepage and Viki billboard: https://www.viki.com/

  • "Drame"= ~"tragedy" in French.

            We use "Drama" to talk about Kdrama, Cdrama etc. not "Drame" which is a genre like comedy,               tragedy, romance, etc.

  • "sur Vikipass" ~ here the sentence sounds like "Watch this drama at TV" instead of "on TV". Vikipass is not a website or some support to watch drama, It's a subscription. In this case, we use "grâce au Vikipass" ~ with vikipass, thanks to Vikipass.
  • ."avantages cool!" ~ it sounds weird in French and too familiar, it's not something we often hear in French > "superbes avantages !" (the correct typo for punctuation too)


  • "abonnement annuel à Viki" ~ "abonnement annuel sur Viki". The sound is better in French.


-Vikipass page: https://www.viki.com/pass?site_lang=fr&content_lang=en

  • "Vikipass": an article is missing "Le". In French, we often say article + noun. It's more correct to put "Le" in front of Vikipass since it's a suscription.
  • "inclu": a letter is missing, "inclut"
  • "abonnement récurrent": I looked into it and it doesn't seem to exist. I found "abonnement avec paiement récurrent".
  • "s'inscrire à Vikipass": the sentence sounds weird > "la souscription au Viki Pass".
  • "obtenu": "souscrit' might be more correct.
  • "language": in French, we use "langue" to talk about a country language. "Language" is more a global concept. In this context, the correct world is "langue".

Thank you!



  • 正式评论

    Hey piranna,

    Thanks so much for pointing out these translation inaccuracies!

    I've passed the feedback on to the team and they'll be looking into correcting the banners.


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