
[Closed] Roku Episodes Missing and Not in Order

Roku app on air variety show episodes on watchlist are missing and not in sequential order. For example King of Masked Singer current episode is 381, then episodes go from beginning to ep 186, then ep 368 to beginning ep. Ep 369 to 380 are missing. Similarly the other variety shows are missing the last 12 episodes and are in this random order. I have removed and reinstalled the app and logged off and back on and there was not any change. if you would correct this issue. Thank you.


  • 正式评论

    Hi alvjags_87,

    Thank you for contacting us with your concern.

    We have seen your ticket (1651472) in our Help Center and it's already being attended to. We will close this to avoid the confusion of multiple requests.

    Have a nice day!

    Thank you,


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  • I am have been having this issue to for the last few days on my Roku app. All variety shows, Running Man, Radio Star, Home Alone, My Little Old Boy, etc. Only the variety shows are affected, dramas appear to be fine.

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  • Hi devifey_651,

    Thanks for writing to us with your concern.

    We will be reaching out to you privately via a ticket on the Help Center shortly and we will close this to avoid the confusion of multiple requests.



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