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Latest activity by vivi_1485-
vivi_1485 comentou, For shows that are coming soon or On-Air, click the little bell icon on its channel page(next to the Watchlist button). For other shows, you have to go to the Explore Page and click on the three do...
vivi_1485 criou uma publicação, RespondidaUnable to add Watch Party Links on the Discussions Board
Members of the Viki Community have been hosting private Watch Parties for weeks now, and we always shared the link on the Discussions Board so everyone could join in. However, recently, the link is...
vivi_1485 comentou, Won't allowing fans to translate reviews pose a lot of problems? The function can be misused a LOT. Adding a AI Translate addin(like the ones on LYSN/Instagram) would be safer and more efficient.
vivi_1485 criou uma publicação, Add Total Episodes/Air Dates/Network Information on Channel Pages
WHATI'd love it if Viki could add this information on the Channel Page the total number of episodes the drama is set to have, not just the number of episodes that have arrived on Viki the original...
vivi_1485 comentou, There has recently been maintenance going on Viki, so videos may not play...try again in a few days :)