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Latest activity by ethleia_632-
ethleia_632 criou uma publicação, Respondida[Closed] Accidentaly erased shows from "continue watching"
Hi I accidentally deleted a lot of my shows from "continue watching" yesterday, is there any way to restore it?
ethleia_632 comentou, Hi, it started to record currently watching but now it have erased all my currently watching so I have none.If I use firefox thats is.If I use opera I have my currently watched and it records but p...
ethleia_632 comentou, Not solved, do you want us to answer here on to send a request?here is mine anyhow: 1 ethleia_6322 Untouchable lovers3 2021-06-11 12:58 (sweden), I hade watched ep 40 31:58 min in.4 only watch on b...
ethleia_632 comentou, I am also having troubles with this still