Michelle (CX)
Current Issues [Please check this first]
Hi all, our team is aware that there are several issues happening and they are looking into resolving it as quickly as they can. In the meantime, you may follow the relevant posts listed below for...
[Solved] Issue: Unable to rent "STARGAZER: ASTROscope"
Our team is aware that are issues with renting the show <STARGAZER: ASTROscope> on various devices: Viki website: 'Rent' button missing Viki apps: Error message to update the app after clicking on...
Notice: Ceased Support for Mobile/TV Web Browser Video Player
Mobile/TV Web browser video playback is no longer supported on Viki. What is Mobile/TV Web browser Video Playback? Any video that plays on a web browsing app like Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc., on an...
[FIXED] Issue: Viki Pass Upgrade/Downgrade on Android apps
-UPDATE on 13th August 2020, 16:00 (GMT+8): Issue is now fixed, please refer to the pinned comment below for more details- We're aware that some users are facing issues seeing their subscription be...
[Solved] Site Issues
We are aware of the error messages appearing on Viki across all devices at the moment. Our team is looking into it and we hope to have it fixed soon. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and w...
[Solved] Login Issues: Google ID
We are currently experiencing an issue with Google Login and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. In the meantime, please try logging in using the Email Login option instead. If you have no...