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Latest activity by katytonnel-
katytonnel criou uma publicação, Incomplete subtitles / abandoned dramas
For the new volunteers of the translations and subtitles, they could put a better filter to find new projects without translations in their language. For there are many dramas that have been droppe...
katytonnel criou uma publicação, RespondidaWatch videos without internet connection in the Viki application.
They could put the option to watch offline in the application. This is perfect for those who are away from home, at work, school, travel ... It would be very nice and bet that a much desired experi...
katytonnel comentou, Excellent idea!
katytonnel criou uma publicação, ConcluídaModo noturno / Night Mode / Modo nocturno
Deveria ter nas configurações, a escolha da cor do site. Tipo, versão noturna, cinza com preto e a versão normal, clarinha. Pois o branco intenso, incomoda demais os olhos. Gosto muito das cores d...