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Latest activity by horemheb89_784
  • horemheb89_784 comentou,

    anyone got a resolution yet? Viki support are an absolute joke. Been given 4 times the same useless steps to follow, and now it is: 'wait'!!

  • horemheb89_784 comentou,

    Having the same issue on Mac as well since yesterday. Never used VPN or proxy. Did every single one of the steps recommended but nothing works. Sent the report but no reply. The lack of reactivity ...

  • horemheb89_784 criou uma publicação,

    list of shows leaving in the next month

    It would be great to know when shows are leaving the site in our region, with a few weeks' notice so we have time to watch any dramas before they disappear! Very frustrating to start one and not be...

    • 3 seguidores
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    • 16 votos
  • horemheb89_784 criou uma publicação,

    [Solved] Titles leaving region / Viki

    Hi all, Is there a way to find out which titles are about to leave the site or region? I had started watching Ms Ma but it seems it no longer is available in my region. Not sure where to find this ...

    • 3 seguidores
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