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Latest activity by hanginjpranch_929-
hanginjpranch_929 criou uma publicação, Respondida[Closed] Error message when submitting a comment on a show
This is getting very frustrating & not fair when rating a show. Every time I rate a show & try to leave a comment, it says oops try again. Not to mention the fact of trying to go through the help...
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, I take it that something has gone wrong with a server, as now nothing will run.
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, Still not getting any English subtitles on anything. Viki, seriously...
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, Any ETA when this is going to get fixed? Still have frozen subtitle or no subtitles.
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, Not that I want chrome on my pc I did try to switch & still no subtitles. It works on Apple devices so could this be a Microsoft issue. I live in the States if that helps. Just wondering how eve...
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, Subtitles are back, sort of. It's back to freezing on one line & staying there unless I advance the EP, just a different line.
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, I still do not have subtitles at all on PC or laptop. I do on my phone but don't particularly want to watch from that device.
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, I still don't have subtitles either. Can someone please let us know what's going on? If it helps, I have subs on my phone but not PC or laptop.
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, All subtitles seem to have gone. Something wrong in the settings?
hanginjpranch_929 comentou, I seem to have lost subtitles on everything.