
[Closed] VPN & Proxy

Hi Guys, 

my Viki is not  working today. Yesterday everything was fine. But since today I keep getting the error message that I'm using VPN or Proxys.

Im not using any of them any of them.

So i'm really frustrated, I watch Viki with my Macbook. Never had problems until today.

I have tried anything what Viki recommend but nothing works.

Maybe some of you could give me an advice so that I can enjoy my dramas again.

By the way I have the standard pass.

thank you in advance.




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    Hi all,

    Thank you for writing to us.

    We're sorry to know that you're having this issue. 

    If you are seeing the You seem to be using a proxy or VPN’ error message on your screen, this means that our system has detected that you are using a VPN, proxy, or "unblocker" service. Our content is available in specific regions and Viki’s Terms of Use prohibit users from using technology or other means to circumvent our content protection mechanisms.

    However, if you see the error message while trying to play content that you believe is available in your region, please try following the steps listed in this VPN troubleshooting guide here.

    If you are still seeing the error message after you’ve disabled proxies, VPN services, or any other internet traffic routing software, please try these troubleshooting steps first to see if it helps solve your issue:

    1. Please submit this report, then try to reset your device. You will be redirected to an external website and by completing the report, you will be sharing your data with external parties.  If you still see this error message, please wait 24 hours from when you have submitted the report before trying to watch it again. 
    2. Try deleting the cache and cookies of your device as well to see if this helps. For more information on how to do this, please see this FAQ here.  
    3. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to determine why your internet protocol (IP) address is associated with proxy or VPN use.

    We hope this helps!



    Ações de comentário Permalink
  • Having the same issue on Mac as well since yesterday. Never used VPN or proxy. Did every single one of the steps recommended but nothing works. Sent the report but no reply. The lack of reactivity from Viki on this is very frustrating.

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  • Io da oggi pomeriggio dal browser Google chrome ho provato a vedere, non riesco a vedere, ho provato da un altro browser Opera e nemmeno da lì si vede e nemmeno io uso proxy o vpn ho provato da vari browser, ma riscontro lo stesso problema. Ho seguito quello che dicevano di fare, ma non ha risolto il problema. 

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  • I'm having the exact same issue. 

    I saw on a different post that someone was having access issues because of an Adblocker. Even though they removed it, the VPN/Proxy error message continued to show up for them, even after they tried after a few days. 

    I would try seeing if you have an adblocker on your browser or on your laptop. If not then the steps the support specialist said to follow are on this page but I'm not sure if they'll work.

    I've sent a report to the third-party checker that identifies Viki accounts using VPNs & Proxies so also try that too if you havent.


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  • bonjour, 

    j'ai le même problème ce ne peux plus regarder mes épisodes car je suis bloqué par le VPN ou Proxy. Je n'utilise aucun des deux, j'ai juste le partage de ma connexion via mon smartphone.

    Merci de régler cela au plus vite car je paye quand même un abonnement...


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  • I have the same issue. Worked fine yesterday and today I’m getting this message.

    Viki App is working fine on my iPad and mobile, only the web version on my computer is affected. I’ve tried Viki recommendations and different browsers and sadly the result is the same.

    Hope we’ll get it working.

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  • anyone got a resolution yet? Viki support are an absolute joke. Been given 4 times the same useless steps to follow, and now it is: 'wait'!!

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  • same for me. on my laptop. worked fine 2 days ago

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  • Hi everybody,

    I have the same problem. It's very frustrated. I'm waiting for a solution !!!

    Viki, please do something...



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  • Hello,

    We're really sorry to read that the troubleshooting steps we suggested did not work. Viki has recently engaged a third-party VPN detection partner and we want to assure you that we are not intentionally removing your access to our videos, as long as you do not have a VPN/Proxy service turned on. If you want to review the suggested steps to resolve this kindly click here: 

    If the issue persists we'd like to confirm the following: 

    • Have you tried waiting 24 hours after submitting this report?  
    • Have tried reaching out to your ISP? We have found that this has helped many users who have faced this issue.

    If you have confirmed that you have tried the above and still face this issue, please reach out to our third-party VPN detection partner here. The team will do a further investigation as to why you are being detected as having a VPN/Proxy.

    Should you have other concerns, kindly send us a message here:

    Stay safe and have a nice day!



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