
Qin Qin... and Promise of Chang'an

My caption system doesn't work suddenly. I set it on "on always", but it keeps moving to "off." Please tell me how to fix this problem.

*email removed for security purposes*



1 comentário
  • Hi there,

    We're sorry that the video you want to watch hasn't been subtitled yet.

    We don't actually translate or subtitle content ourselves; instead, our passionate volunteer community (people like you!) subtitle content on Viki. You can learn more about our volunteer community here.

    When subtitles for a video don’t appear or are incomplete, the community has not finished with the subtitling yet. This is especially the case for On-Air titles. But don't worry, they'll get to it very soon!

    You can check a video if it has been completely subtitled by referring to the subtitle completion percentage at the bottom of the video thumbnail. 

    Hope this clarifies!


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