[Closed] Continue watching does not show watch history cs not responding

I opened multiple tickets for this and haven’t heard back in a long time the last update a cs agent said they fixed my problem and continue watching did appear but it shows me watching episode 44 of a 52 episode series that I finished a long time ago.

I have since watched two other full series and neither showed in continue watching during the duration of watching both series. 


I tried upgrading to pro to see if the problem was fixed, it did not work. Customer service will not respond to my issue for whatever reason. 

it’s very frustrating to have to remember what episode and time stamp I was on when watching a very long series. I keep having to go back into my folowed shows, find the series I’m watching, flick through 12 episodes at a time, find the episode I was watching and forward to the time stamp. 

what gives? Why can’t someone look at this bug? It seems others have had the same issue and gotten no response as well. Please fix my continue watching as this service is unusable without the continue watching function. 

it’s ridiculous that we pay so much per month and cannot get anyone to take this issue seriously. 

ive tried accessing my account on multiple computers, tablets, phones and other devices and on every one the continue watching is still stuck on episode 44 of a series I finished ages ago. 



1 comentário
  • Hi there,

    We're sorry for the delayed response!

    Your ticket on the Help Center has been attended to and we'll be closing this to prevent confusion of multiple requests.


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