[Solved] Undefined casting
Got that undefined error when casting, same problen, will work on phone but not on TV via chromecast. Split of a second it will try to cast and says , undefined ..then rakuten logo comes up. Help!
Hi all,
Our team is gradually rolling out a new version 6.13.0 of the Viki Android app to everyone. This has the fix for the 'undefined' Chromecast issue.
If you do not see the update available now, it will most likely be available within a week's time. Do keep a lookout for it and let us know if the issue still persists after the update.
As for the other Chromecast subtitle issues, our team is tackling them next and we will provide more updates on the respective threads.
Thank you!
This has been going on for so long, Nothing casts anymore . I've uninstalled, reinstalled, reset tv, Chromecast, everything. If it fixes it. it only fixes it for a moment.
I'm paying for this ability... PLEASE FIX THIS!!!
When will this issue be resolved??? A lot of people pay premium for the sole purpose of using the Chromecast option. If this is not resolved in a timely manner, Viki should reimburse users for the amount of time we could not use this service. The fact that there has not been ANY updates since this issue was first reported is very discouraging.
Happened to me, too! Hope the Support Specialists can get to the bottom of this soon.
Has been happening for a couple of weeks plz fix!!!!
Desinstalar / reinstalar o aplicativo só funcionará após alguns episódios e, em seguida, retornará ao erro indefinido novamente. Sair da sua conta funciona melhor, embora ainda o exclua depois de algum tempo, pelo menos é menos incômodo do que reinstalar o aplicativo. No momento, meu Chromecast Viki ainda está funcionando por dias após o logout. Dedos cruzados isso já está consertado. No meu caso continua igual com o mesmo problema. Instalei e reinstalei e continua com o mesmo problema. E também o idioma coloco em português e em todos os capítulos tenho que ficar mudando.
I can't understand. We are paying for a service that we don't have.
Please fix the issue asap.
Chromecast works after logging out. But another problem is just adding up, the subs not sync in tv but ok in phone. I am sooo trying to be patient right now.
UPDATED May 31 11:05hrs UTC +8:
Hi all,
Our team is aware that there is this issue when Chromecast-ing from the Android app, and will need a little more time to look into it. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
As some of the users mentioned that logging out and re-logging in helps, please try that first. Alternatively, you may try to remove and re-install the app.
If the issue still persists after, please help to share with us some example show titles you are trying to cast.
Thank you,
I also have the same problem.
I hope they can solve ir soon.
Uninstalling/Reinstalling the app will only work after a few episodes, then it will go back to undefined error again. Logging out from your account works better, although it still kick you out after awhile at least it's less hassle than reinstalling the app. Right now, my chromecast Viki still working for days after logging out. Fingers crossed this is already fixed.
I could not cast from my iPhone or Android, in iPhone says that was an problem, and in Android doesn't show anything :( Any update about this issue? Thank you and hope that you can resolved it !
Note: I'm using chrome-cast device in my tv.
Same here. Both android tablet and android phone, and only impacting viki app. I can cast other things fine.
Try logging out from Viki , then restart your phone.its what I did. So far, been working for days now
Getting same issue here. I was trying to chromecast Master in the House, Delicious Rendezvous, Sky Castle and all giving me same error. I'm using Samsung Galaxy S8 when I'm casting.
Hi there. I started to log out and log back in like many others suggested, which is much better than uninstalling and reinstalling the app. But like many others, Chromecast will only work for a few episodes. It will either stop working a few episodes in, or if I dare pause or try to skip ahead or go back if I missed a part it will stop working. I've noticed that if i was casting fine earlier and had to disconnect. When I open the app again later there is a quick message in the app that says "app_not_running". This tells me that I'll have to log out again.
Having this issue also. Please fix it asap
yes its happening to me also its very frustrating and annoying
It is taking too long. Pls fix the issue asap.
Thank you.
Is there any news on this matter?
Any updates on this
Again, no updates...
I'll say this, I can consistently cast from my laptop to my chromecast... It's a pain, but it works.
VIKI support is turning out to be a joke, however. My subscription means nothing. No updates, no timelines, no nothing. But, they have my money... so...
I reinstalled the app and it seemed to work for me so far.
I was getting just the logo with no sound or video.
Please post back if it's still working tomorrow. I've reinstalled multiple times and it works only once or twice then breaks again.
Hi all,
Please rest assured that our team is working on a fix for this issue and we will let you know once it is released.
Thank you for your patience!
Runningman classic is still undefined
I have this comment on another thread, but I'm posting this here as well: It will either just have a loading screen the whole time, have the viki logo or the RAKUTEN logo and nothing will load after loading forever. Will this problem be fixed soon? I pay for the most expensive pass (and a yearly subscription at that). If this continues, I will have to demand a refund for the remaining months in the year. Especially since I can't even turn off subtitles anymore (my mom speaks fluent korean and doesn't need the subtitles. When I started paying for Viki, there were no issues with casting and turning off subtitles WHILE CASTING. I bought the viki subscription for her and now she can't cast and can't turn of subtitles, so why even bother paying for viki now since it no longer does the two features she needs?). Please fix this soon. It's ridiculous to expect people to uninstall and reinstall the app every single time to cast. Especially since casting and subtitle toggling is such a basic feature that literally all streaming services provide.
I have uninstalled and installed this so many times. It still won't cast the shows at times. Tried rebooting Chromecast, modem, clearing app cache.... nothing works but uninstalling and reinstalling.
Whatever was done to Viki a week ago or so, please UNDO it!!!
Still not working for me either. Cannot cast from android app. Sony android TV app now useless. Rakuten logo then back to Sony screen. Ready to cancel my Viki Plus subscription if not fixed this week!! Viki too busy now selling movies rather than fixing this issue. Look at the reviews on Google Play. They are adding up for this issue as well!
Still an issue so is the expectation to just uninstall and reinstall every show you watch.
Should we not be receiving compensation for this inconvenience? The length of time this is taking to resolve is unacceptable.
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