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Latest activity by ericb52
  • ericb52님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] Will it be compatible?

    When the new viki app for Samsung is released, will it be compatible on the qled 4k smart tv? Was wondering because Kocowa isn't compatible with the qleds?

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  • ericb52님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] Time line?

    I seen the announcement on November 24th about the new viki app being setup for LG and Samsung here in the United States...That's Awesome...Also seen that the lg app was released 5 days ago...any i...

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  • ericb52님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    Sound and video quality upgrade for the viki app!

    Being able to watch all of the awesome dramas and movies we all love in 4k,Ulta Hd,or even 4k ultra HD would be awesome! And better sound quality other than just in stereo...I mean 5.1 or Dolby At...

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  • ericb52님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    That would be awesome, along with some upgrades to the video and sound quality...an app with 4k ultra HD and Dolby Atmos would be perfect in my opinion

  • ericb52님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Solved] Wondering

    Does viki have any plans on upgrading the sound quality in the future?

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