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timinyc의 활동에 대한 투표 수
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    [Solved] Undefined casting

    Got that undefined error when casting, same problen, will work on phone but not on TV via chromecast. Split of a second it will try to cast and says , undefined ..then rakuten logo comes up. Help!

    • 만듦
    • 팔로워 29명
    • 댓글 39개
    • 10표
  • 답변함

    [Closed] Chromecast

    Viki app not casting to.chromecast. it just stopped. It will cast youtube, Netflix, primevid but not Vikiapp. It will start with the logo, as soon as I click an episode, it will try casting but ju...

    • 만듦
    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 1개
    • 0표