Ha. Other suggestions with 20-30 votes got on the "Planned" list, but this one, with 182 upvotes... nothing.
Arabic translation added to original post. Thanks to hmk_201288_223
@sapientiascientiae_297 "I find it kinda ironic that you post it in all these different languages, but not, incidentally enough, in Chinese (or Korean), the language of the dramas we're all here fo...
Excellent idea! Even 75% would be helpful because it would be slower but without distorting the voice.
Yes, Viki, people are confused!And please don't just give a number of moderations. Projects are not all the same length, they don't require the same amount of time and effort. Consider a 100-minut...
@traveling_kdramafan. It's not as you say. Viki does not delete Kocowa subtitles. Never. Some Kocowa shows come with subtitles (which we always heavily edit because they suck big time, they look a...
@montek5i_906: What you're asking for then, is for Viki to have a global license, for all regions, for all subscribers? This is absolutely not possible. 1) Licenses are very expensive, and 2) often...
Better yet, make a customisable list like in Mydramalist: Watched, watching, dropped, on hold, planning to watch.
@tjones265_985 You wrote: “However, you, as a translator and transcriber must have had direct contact. To get what you want, shouldn't you find out the reason behind the denied access so we can ta...
The reason you don't see fast subtitles in the last couple of years is not only because subbers are lazy or not motivated. It may be like that for some of them. But a major reason is that many don'...