Hello! Sure, you can! Most subtitles on Viki are brought by volunteers that are fans just like you and me! If you want to begin subtitling, first you can ask by: 1/ posting on this forum here: ...
Hi, I have opened a request whose number is #769373 to give this personal information. (Disqus is working for me on computer, but not on phone) Thank you for your help!
It's like creating multiple posts to tell about the same problems we have with the inbox. I don't feel it would help more Viki staff in their work and finally, they'd just take more time to reunite...
All in all, I agree that it should be clearer for Viki pass prospective and current clients who still ask 'why there are no subtitles while I'm paying": => talking about volunteers, talking about r...
To Viki: 3. & 6. For new channels: It's possible to have a notification for new channels added on Viki + make it a tab + post it somewhere so we can refer to this post and date (if creating chan...
Hi Mariliam, Thank you for looking into it, I checked them and everything is fine now. I don't use Disqus on extern websites so it's okay. Thank you again!
Hello @Kristie, Yesterday, I could post "17.3 segmented" in Team discussion on Mr. Right and also on Nirvana in Fire 2 + a long comment of about 8 lines on a drama main page. No problem. Today, for...
There was 0 synopsis at the beginning when the fan channel appears. If when the fan channel appears: -Viki already has a synopsis, they can put it. -Otherwise, we have to put something so viewers...
Hello, On the link Kristie provided, scroll down, it indicates how to change website language.
@georgeyporgey Hey, sorry for the delay. 1. Browser Google Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 (Build officiel) (64 bits) What's your Operating System? Windows 10 2. It doesn't happen in the midway of s...