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askstar09_426의 최근 활동
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    [Closed] Pin Code(Not complaning about it)

    I am not complaining or anything it doesn't bother me at all putting the code in. I was just wondering if this just for certain devices? I never had to do that with my Apple tv. I was just curious ...

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    [Closed] Really? Why is One Room Angel viki pass plus?

    Is this going to be a new thing where new shows are going be viki pass plus? Why is There One Room Angel on the viki pass plus and The novelist spring life 2 a 14 minute short should not have to pa...

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    [Closed] Just a thought (update)

    Maybe you can make it where the people who couldn’t update to the current app. They could possibly watch through the their browser. I know it might be difficult most people use mobile devices. I w...

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    [Closed] Ads just wondering.

    I was just wondering. I’ve noticed people saying something about ads even on paying for a subscription. Am I missing something? The only time I’ve had ads is when I had it on the free version for a...

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