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Latest activity by bbruand_903
  • bbruand_903님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    Please, can you just bring back the older version while you work on fixes to the new Home screen? This is really hard to use today and degrade the value of Viki. Why pay for such bad application wh...

  • bbruand_903님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    Hello Michelle:  Thank you for acknowledging the translation issue for "Cruel Palace". Today is Nov. 10, 2020.  This is already quite sometimes, do you know approximately when the English subtitles...

  • bbruand_903님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    Cruel palace war of flowers subtitle

    Episode 25 shows 100% translated in English but midway, no more translation.  What happens??  I've been checking few days and yet still not completed at the same spot = missing translation.

    • 팔로워 3명
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