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Latest activity by heiskaba
  • heiskaba님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    Please, just listen to your customers. We don't need parental control. Allow people who needs the password to activate that option. The majority of the subscribers are above the legal age and it is...

  • heiskaba님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    They never wrote back. It happened with all the Kocowa shows. I bought an android TV in which you can install the viki app. Hope you find a solution soon!

  • heiskaba님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    Thank you Michelle for your prompt response. I did as you recommended but the problem continues. I have a Huawei phone that allows me to share my screen with my LG smart TV. I don't use chromecast....

  • heiskaba님이 에 게시물을 만듦


    I haven't been using the app that long, but I watched 2 titles using my phone and sharing the screen with my LG smart TV without problem, but now all the shows that I tried to watch show a black sc...

    • 편집된 시간
    • 팔로워 5명
    • 댓글 7개
    • 2표