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Latest activity by baldmr_443
  • baldmr_443님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] Episodes don't show where I left off watching.

    Watching 3 shows and when I resume watching they do not show where I left off, but go back to the previous episodes. This has been happening the last 3 or so days with every show I try and watch. f...

    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 1개
    • 0표
  • baldmr_443님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] No watch history - continue watching not working

    The continue watching does not show my correct watch history. It does not show the new show I started and it leaves shows on there that I have long finished. The old watch history button was much b...

    • 팔로워 4명
    • 댓글 3개
    • 0표
  • baldmr_443님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] Dalja's spring

    I have been watching Dalja's Spring and the video keeps stopping with the message that the media playback was aborted due to corruption or it is not supported on my browser. This has been happening...

    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 1개
    • 0표