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Latest activity by dbjesuslover_30
  • dbjesuslover_30님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] Subtitles not working

    As of Friday, Viki for Roku has all the sudden stopped displaying subtitles. I made sure "always show captions" is on, and that the dramas say they are 100% translated, but none of them will show t...

    • 팔로워 4명
    • 댓글 4개
    • 1표
  • dbjesuslover_30님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Closed] Viki Roku Episodes won't play - loading issues

    For at least three days now I have not been able to watch anything on my Roku app (America). The home page loads just fine, but whenever I click on an episode (any show), it says it's "loading" for...

    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 1개
    • -1표