This has NOT been resolved, so it should not have been closed. Additionally, today is a series of video playback errors in which the series stops and then fails to upload at all. Viki is a mess.
I’m logged in right now: They are not “working”: Nothing has been done to help us. This is the prelude before VIKI going out of business. I also took this issue to their FB page. But any “company”...
This is an issue extending back for months and has resumed in the past three weeks. Viki “engineers” have fixed nothing in what is a simple requirement every other streaming app from Netflix to Pri...
There are at least 26 comments about this, not 6. I’ve watched for progress all day. To no avail.
Update. This is a major issue bc VIKI is not tracking the episodes AT ALL. It’s basically useless now. You need to call people in to fix this, and you need to credit our accounts for the system cr...
This is still an issue and is now annoying. You need to fix your problem. Now.
Subscribers are valiantly being the good guys and assuming there is something they can try or do concerning the missing subtitles and VIKI's absolute crash and burn since late last night. It is no...
@Viki So on Devilish Joy you finally get ep 14 translated; then 15 stops a few minutes in. Then there’s a bit in 16. DO NOT PUT UP EPISODES that are not translated—and refund our money. NOW.
Viki should not have released it if the series had not been fully translated. We pay for this. Don’t make excuses. Show it, or take it down. And lose customers. We’ve been burned enough this year.