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feyfayer의 최근 활동
  • A year later - negative segment count

    A year ago, I submitted the following request:  I recently segmented a movie called Buddies in India. Our segments were deleted by the Viki team (?) and their segments were added to the movie, whic...

    • 만듦
    • 팔로워 1명
    • 댓글 0개
    • 0표
  • Edit video tab opens twice

    Hello,  When I'm working on subbing in the dramas I'm working on and I select "Bulk Translation" or "manage video", it opens twice in a new tab. So I get double tabs of the bulk translation or doub...

    • 만듦
    • 팔로워 1명
    • 댓글 0개
    • 0표
  • Timer doesn't let me access a drama till days after

    I'm a segmenter for the drama My fellow citizens and I can't access the segment timer (I'm added as a team member). Whenever I press on the link, it tells me that the video is restricted due to my ...

    • 편집된 시간
    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 6개
    • 1표
  • 답변함

    [Solved] New badges- bug

    Hi,    I've already consistently had a delay in the applications of new badges to my profile.  I finally reached 20,000 segments, but haven't gotten a 'golden scissors' badge T.T I will patiently w...

    • 만듦
    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 2개
    • 0표
  • 답변함

    [Solved] Segment and Subtitle Counter glitch

    There seems to be a glitch with the segment / subtitle counter.  No matter what projects I work on, the segments I do aren't registered.  As for subtitles, the subtitle counter freezes and only upd...

    • 편집된 시간
    • 팔로워 3명
    • 댓글 1개
    • 1표