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활동 개요

Latest activity by rougevalkyrie3_627
  • rougevalkyrie3_627님이 에 댓글을 입력함

    I agree not worth the money if I can't find the type of shows I want. I adore Viki, but I won't pay for something I can't use as intended.

  • rougevalkyrie3_627님이 에 게시물을 만듦

    [Solved] Roku Layout changes

    I have Viki on Roku in the US and WHAT did they do to the homescreen layout? My "continue watching" only plays the rest of the episode I was on and stops. No next episode option. The categories (wh...

    • 팔로워 94명
    • 댓글 145개
    • 19표