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paintbucket42_866의 최근 활동
  • 답변함

    Linking my computer to my Vicky on Roku

    I paid for a years subscription on my computer but can’t get Vicky on my Roku. I get it on my phone and my computerBut not my television that has Roku on it

    • 만듦
    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 1개
    • -1표
  • 답변함

    [CLOSED] subscription malfunction

    <<email removed for security purposes>> I have been paying 4.99 for about 6 months now. And got sick of the commercials and decided to upgrade to $9.99 to utilize the Vikipass. I have been paying t...

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    • 팔로워 2명
    • 댓글 1개
    • 0표