Korean language Closed Captions issue (NOT FRIENDLY FOR KOREAN DEAF PEOPLE)
To whom concerns,
I would like to complain to you (contributors or subtitle team, especially Korean hearing people) about closed captions. I tried to find the help center to contact, but nothing. So, I write this community forum.
I enjoyed watching K-dramas and movies with available Korean language closed captions. My husband and I are Korean Deaf and currently living in the United States. I was frustrated finding K-dramas which have Korean closed captions because some do not have them. This is UNFAIR for ne because there are more available different languages, not the Korean language even though itself is Korean drama and movie. We feel rejected/ignored...are other languages are priority? Korean language subtitles for Kdram should be easy and quick... We had to watch it with English CC, but we PREFER to watch it with Korean language CC. For example, Military Prosecutor Doberman, The Veil, One the Woman, and others. You should consider Korean Deaf people who are residents in the United States. I strongly request you to add Korean language Closed Captions (SDH) to ALL K-dramas, K-movies, and others. It would be also helpful for hearing Americans or foreigners to learn the Korean language by viewing CC. I was on and off for subscribing because of not friendly Korean CC. So, I stopped subscripting the Tiki. Could you please add Korean subtitles for Deaf people??
Thank you for reading this email. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you!
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