
Continue watching doesn't update as I watch episodes.

After looking through the current articles regarding this, and trying what the engineers have asked to do, viki is still not updating my currently watching as I go along. I'm on episode 8 of Mother, yet it still says I'm half way through episode 5. 

Is there anything else I can do?



  • 공식 댓글

    Hi sleepymin,

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing. Our team is aware of the Continue Watching/Watch markers issue and is working on a fix.

    Rest assured that I forwarded all the information you provided to our engineering team and we expect to have a resolution for this problem when possible. 

    For progress and updates, kindly follow the post below:


    Hope this helps for now. We appreciate your patience and kind understanding on this matter. 

    Best regards,
    Viki Community Team Member

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