Tale of the Nine Tailed Ep 13 twice?
Hello, I'm just wondering as I was scrolling through the shows I'd like to watch and I saw that Tale of the Nine-Tailed Ep 13 is listed twice in the list.
Is this just a kind of bug because I got it in my mobile app and on the TV app too.
I attached a screenshot for you to see.
I also tried it with multiple website languages.
I hope you can help me with my confusion.
Thank you and have a great day!
Hi there,
Thanks for writing in to us!
The second Episode 13 is actually a special episode released - Tale of the Nine Tailed - A 600 Year Legend. You can identify it with the Special logo at the top left corner of the thumbnail.
We understand that the naming of the special episode is confusing and our team is looking into making improvements to it.
Hope this clarifies!
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