[Closed] Rokuten Viki app on Samsung Smart TVs
I cannot locate the Rokuten Viki app on the App Store on my new Samsung smart tv. I thought I could do that.
I cannot locate the Rokuten Viki app on the App Store on my new Samsung smart tv. I thought I could do that.
Hi all,
Web browser video playback on TVs are no longer supported on Viki. These web browsers do not provide the same video watching experience and are more likely to cause playback and video loading issues.
For the best experience, do consider other options to watch Viki from your TV, such as Chromecast, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, or using a HDMI cable. For more information, you can refer to viki.com/apps for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support towards.
For any other technical issues, please send details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at bit.ly/VikiHelp and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
This is ridiculous. There's no reason to subscribe to VIKI if I the only way I can watch is on my phone or computer or I have to purchase something else to use it on my TV.
I use the browser of my tv as i do the computer
Is this issue with Viki or with Samsung? When can we expect a resolution to this issue?
I agree with the comments above - this is ridiculous!
I also just purchased a Samsung Smart TV and was very disappointed not to be able to use Viki on it. I'm not about to pay for Apple TV on my new TV even if I could figure out how to stream Viki on it, which I can't. Ok, If I could I might. Of course screen sharing doesn't work either.
I’m very disappointed because just yesterday Viki was working fine with my Samsung tv browser and now it isn’t working. Why?
Is it VIKI or SAMSUNG? all of a sudden, I can’t watch VIKI on my 2021 Samsung TV!
I cannot watch Korean shows on my Korean TV! that’s I R O N I C
and infuriating
Hi there
The official Viki app on the Samsung App Store is no longer available. Any other Samsung Store apps with the 'Viki' name are not supported by us and you will not be able to stream videos there.
Instead, we can recommend other options to watch Viki from your TV, such as Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, or using an HDMI cable.
For more information, you can refer to viki.com/apps for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support towards.
Hope this clarifies!
I find it ironic that Viki app is not supporting their app on Samsung TV's especially when that's all the products you see on the shows!
Until yesterday, I was able to watch viki on the Samsung TV browser. I can't take it tonight. Is there really nothing that can be done for us Samsung users? Where is the problem with Viki or Samsung?
Nao estou conseguindo assistur pela tv da sansung. Alguem mai scom
este problena?
Hi shallom,
Similarly, web browser video playback on TVs are no longer supported on Viki.
Mobile web browsers do not provide the same video watching experience and are more likely to cause playback and video loading issues.
For the best experience, do consider other options to watch Viki from your TV, such as Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, or using an HDMI cable.
why is it that your app is not offered on the samsung tv or on the kindle tablets? I'm truly disappointed.. That I can only view your app on my phone or on certain tvs.
Use the TV browser, even if they say they don't support it, it works.
Shame. I was subscribed to viki on my phone and was enjoying it, however too annoying to watch on phone and screen share doesnt work. I have PS4, Xbox and Samsung TV's. All other subscription services are available on those platforms except for Viki. Just could not justify buying a Chromecast, Roku or Apple TV just purely for Viki and their severe lack of device support. Please improve your device support to either Samsung TV's or PS4.
I've got Apple TV+ on my Samsung TV & I've just looked for Viki on it as it's just stopped playing for me this morning via the TV browser ... Viki is not listed on Apple TV channels available so I don't get how we can watch it ??
Same here, Viki suddenly stopped working yesterday on my Samsung smart TV browser. Infuriating. They should let us know what's happening in a situation like this. Will it be fixed?
Because I cannot watch it through my samsung tv, I will cancel my account, unfortunately.
Há mais de 02 anos vinha assistindo filmes e doramas pelo Viki através do navegador padrão da TV Smart Samsung, mas a partir do dia 01/08/2021 parou de funcionar. Gera mensagem de Navegador Não Compatível. Não gosto de acessar o Viki pelo celular ou PC, sempre acesso pela tv. Agora tenho que comprar um fire stick ou Chromecast, etc somente para poder voltar a ter o Viki na Smart? Falta de consideração aos assinantes do Viki e aos que possuem Tv Smart que estão com o mesmo problema.
Hi hadisaa,
The official Viki app on the Samsung App Store should not be available as it is no longer supported by us. Any other Samsung Store apps with the 'Viki' name is not the official version and you will not be able to stream videos there.
For more information, you can refer to viki.com/apps for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support towards.
Hope this clarifies.
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